Trailblazers Summit

Trailblazers Summit
The Trailblazers Summit by CREtech is the most extraordinary and exclusive event ever organized for the commercial real estate technology sector. Our goal is to assemble the leading thought-leaders, investors, startups, owners, brokers and tech experts for a three-day annual summit in a breathtaking setting.
The casual and relaxed atmosphere will feature networking sessions, world class speakers and interactive discussions. This invite only event, limited to the first 40 professionals, will make you think, learn and connect with the best of commercial real estate tech today.
Event Details
Start Date:
Sunday, April 22, 2018 at 3:30pm EDT
End Date:
Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at 10:30am EDT
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3:30 pm
Where: Silver Alcove
4:00 - 4:15 pm
4:15 - 5:45 pm
Keynote: "The Age of Cryptocurrency"
Where: Silver/Gold Ballroom Bitcoin became a buzzword overnight. It pops up in headlines and fuels endless media debate. Yet it seems few people truly understand what it is. In this talk, Michael Casey delivers the definitive answer to the question: Why should anyone care about bitcoin? The “blockchain” technology behind cryptocurrencies holds the promise of a financial system without middlemen—a change that’s 500 years in the making. It puts that system in the control of the people who use it and safeguards them from a 2008-type crash. Much more than a new digital form of currency, this technology could integrate billions of hitherto excluded people into the global economy, restore individuals’ control over their private data and identities, and change the way organizations and business relationships are governed. At the corporate, academic, and government levels, well-informed managers and officials are starting to realize that there all sorts of disruptive applications for this technology, with big implications for the broader economy. With lucidity and verve, Casey makes this unfamiliar but important topic accessible, and teaches us what we need to know to be ready for this big shift. Q & A Moderated by Brendan Canny, Managing Director, Open Box Software
Michael Casey
Bitcoin, Blockchain and "Fintech" Expert Co-Author of The Age of Cryptocurrency and The Social Organism
5:45 - 6:30 pm
Hotel check in
6:30 - 8:30 pm
Welcome Dinner and Introductions
Where: Valhalla
8:30 pm
Cocktails and Conversations
Where: Troll Hallen
8:30 - 9:30 am
Networking Breakfast
Where: Valhalla
9:30 - 11:00 am
Keynote: "Rise of the Robots"
Where: Silver/Gold Ballroom Martin Ford explores the ways in which AI and automation (aka, “robots”) are outpacing humans in a range of sectors, from education to law, agriculture to healthcare, management and beyond. He offers a realistic view of what the future of work—and your place in it—will look like. Beyond pragmatic concerns, Ford addresses a bigger question: can accelerating technology disrupt our entire economic system to the point where a fundamental restructuring is required? This next industrial revolution, Ford argues, will not be like the last one. In the past, even as jobs were eliminated, jobs were created to replace them. Increasingly, new machines will be able to take care of themselves, making fewer jobs necessary. Will basic, guaranteed income be implemented? How will education reflect our changing society? We are at an inflection point: Do we continue to listen to those who argue that nothing fundamental has changed, and take a bad bet on a miserable future? Or do we begin to discuss what we must do to ensure all of us, and not just the few, benefit from the awesome power of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other breakthroughs? This exciting talk is both an exploration of this new technology and a call to arms to address its implications. Q & A Moderated by Lindsay Baker, President, Comfy
Martin Ford
11:00 - 11:15 am
11:15 - 12:15 pm
Commercial Real Estate Tech Investors
Where: Silver/Gold Ballroom An open, moderated discussion inviting the investment professionals to contribute to a moderated discussion on where we are in the CRE tech sector and where we go from here. Moderated by Jon Schultz, Managing Principal, Onyx Equities
Jonathan Schultz
12:15 - 1:15 pm
Where: Valhalla
1:30 - 6:00 pm
Group Hike
Meet in the main hotel lobby. Don’t forget to bring your backpack and hat!
6:00 - 7:15 pm
Evening Keynote: The Future of Technology
Where: Silver/Gold Ballroom The Cloud has killed the web. The Internet of Things will ultimately mean more Internet traffic generated and consumed by machines than by humans. Machines are learning our habits faster than we can form them. What does all this mean for the future? How will we interact with our devices when they are as smart or smarter than we are? How will anyone manage to make money is this coming world? Join Microsoft Distinguished Engineer James Whittaker for an entertaining and thought provoking jaunt into the future – a future coming a lot faster than most people imagine. Learn: - How data has evolved to take over the world and overwhelm our feeble attempts to tame it, putting us in an era of extreme disruption by machines. - Understand the technologies that the future will be built on: big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence, augmented reality and the internet of things. - Envision how the future will unfold as machines displace the web and mobile and fundamentally change the way work gets done. - Understand how this machine disruption will affect the field you are in and develop a framework for how to think about this future and you/your companies role in it. Q & A Moderated by Jak Churton, Managing Director, JLL
James Whittaker
7:15 - 9:00 pm
Reception and Dinner: The Startups Perspectives
Where: Valhalla Lessons learned, growth strategies and future opportunities by the leading startups in commercial real estate tech” Moderated by Michael Beckerman
9:00 pm
Cocktails and Conversations
Where: Troll Hallen
8:30 am
Where: Valhalla
9:30 - 10:30 am
Closing Session: “The Big Takeaways From Trailblazers Speakers”
Where: Silver/Gold Ballroom Moderated by Pierce Neinken, Global Portfolio Manager, Airbnb
Pierce Neinken
10:30 - 10:45 am
10:45 am
Summit Adjourns
April 22
Transportation Special Discount
We recommend that all attendees fly into Salt Lake City Airport. The Stein Eriksen Lodge is a 45 minute drive from the airport. CREtech is pleased to offer our attendees discounted transporation to and from Salt Lake City Airport (SLC). Please visit and select the book online option via quick reservation. Use our special discount code CREtechSUV! This discount code is only available on meet and greet service and not will call. Should you experience any booking issues or have questions please feel free to contact Jamie Zellermayer at 407.580.7372 or via email at and reference the CREtech group.
Martin Ford
Author of New York Times Bestseller, Rise of the Robots
Michael Casey
Bitcoin, Blockchain and "Fintech" Expert Co-Author of The Age of Cryptocurrency and The Social Organism
James Whittaker
DefinedCrowd Corp.
Chief Strategy Officer
Your registration fee includes 2 nights accommodations and all planned activities and food and beverage listed below in the agenda. There are no refunds.