September 27, 2017
In its most recent earnings report, Adobe reported record revenue, but CEO Shantanu Narayen admitted he was a bit disappointed with the Experience Cloud results. That’s the part of Adobe that includes the Analytics Cloud. Today, the company is announcing an update to the analytics product aimed specifically at the lucrative retail/ecommerce market. Perhaps it’s not a coincidence. Nor is it a c...
Retail Archives | Page 32 of 53 | CREtech
In its most recent earnings report, Adobe reported record revenue, but CEO Shantanu Narayen admitted he was a bit disappointed with the Experience Cloud results. That’s the part of Adobe that includes the Analytics Cloud. Today, the company is announcing an update to the analytics product aimed specifically at the lucrative retail/ecommerce market. Perhaps it’s not a coincidence. Nor is it a c...
Property Innovation Labs (Pi Labs), an accelerator-turned-early-stage VC fund that invests in property tech startups ‘pre-Series A’, has closed a second fund of $10 million, from which it plans to make a total of 35 investments. The London-based firm says it will invest between $70,000 and $4 million in early-stage companies globally “across the full supply chain for real estate, real estate...
Retailers look to storefront digital ads to target passersby By Lois Weiss View author archive email the author follow on twitter Get author RSS feed Name(required) Email(required) Comment(required) September 26, 2017 | 11:58pm Modal Trigger One of Outernets' digital displays at Dylan's Candy Bar. Outernets MORE FROM: Lois Weiss Real estate investment firm moves into Axa Equitable Amazo...
BACK FROM SEATTLE AND SAN FRANCISCO EVENTS, CRE Tech LA Next Seattle, WA, September 25, 2017– NavigatorCRE leaves big impressions at TechCrunch Seattle Meetup and Tech Crunch Disrupt, will be in Los Angeles at CRE//Tech event September 28th. NavigatorCRE’s team just returned from a prosperous showing at TechCrunch Disrupt event in San Francisco last week. NavigatorCRE represented the CRE techn...
Today It’s The Legal Industry, Tomorrow The CRE Tech Sector? Please, please read this article! There isn’t an industry on earth today that isn’t being impacted by technology. And the legal industry won’t be immune either. It’s only a matter of time before the commercial real estate industry gets fundamentally disrupted (hate that word) by technology as well. I have been saying this over ...
Mobile phone screens are the new “land grab” for retailers September 25, 20170 CommentsBy JLL Edge September 25, 2017 By: Michael DeMaria, Managing Director, JLL Retailers have been quicker to adopt new technologies than most other users of ‘brick and mortar’ real estate. This statement might seem a little confusing given that ‘traditional’ retailers have taken a bit of a beating recen...
The retailer is carving out space in stores and taking returns for Amazon, a case of holding your enemies close — but what does it mean for each of them? Author By Daphne Howland @daphnehowland • Published Sept. 25, 2017 Share it post share tweet Kohl’s surprised the retail world earlier this month with news of two major collaborations — with Amazon. The first is a plan to feature a new &...
Malls heading toward food, services and AI Hayne Palmour IV / UT Bonobos at Westfield UTC is typical of stores as showrooms where customers order items for delivery later. Bonobos at Westfield UTC is typical of stores as showrooms where customers order items for delivery later. (Hayne Palmour IV / UT) Roger ShowleyContact Reporter Imagine shopping in the future: Stores are showrooms and your purch...
Now that technology is becoming integrated into CRE, one of the best things about working in the field is all of the cool things you get to play with. From gadgets that help you stay organized and prepared in your day-to-day life, from big boy toys like drones and cameras that make fieldwork fun, here’s a list of the best accessories to get as a gift for that special real estate tech nerd in you...
Mega-corporations — from Facebook to Amazon — are creating modern-day company towns. In Menlo Park, California, Facebook plans to build a new campus with 1,500 residences, a walkable retail district, a grocery store, and a hotel for its employees. Meanwhile, Amazon recently announced that it will build a second headquarters that could effectively turn the chosen city into a company town — mu...