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CRETech August 14, 2018
If commercial real estate projects were easy, everyone would do them. A project’s life cycle is complex and requires numerous parties keeping tabs on its progress for an extended time period. Even shorter build-outs take weeks. Project management solutions help commercial real estate professionals tackle pain points and improve their handling. Benefits include:
CRETech August 13, 2018
What happens when you bring artificial intelligence into your workplace? You add tremendous potential to boost productivity. However, adding AI isn’t as simple as plug-and-play. Adding AI might drastically alter your team operations. Commercial real estate professionals must be prepared to manage and interact with numerous intelligent agents.

CRETech August 10, 2018
By Poonam Mathis, Founder at StealthForce Anyone who was at the Fall 2016 CREtech Intersect in San Francisco and remains in the space today can tell you how rapidly we’ve moved from a small, pioneering community (bemoaning the widespread resistance to ado...
CRETech August 09, 2018
Truss helps small and medium businesses lease amazing space. They put you in control of the process so you can land a perfect-for-you space at the best price. Their technology and people help you get it all done in record time. Our team at CREtech recently caught up with
CRETech August 09, 2018
Part 2 is here! I hope you enjoy Part 2 of my sit down with these 5 Founders that are leading the CREtech revolution. Hear their perspectives on how they scaled, the lessons they learned along the way and where they are going next. [embed][/embed] MEET THE FOUNDERS:
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CRETech August 08, 2018
By David Gull, CEO & Co-Founder, Outer Realm People are funny. They make decisions based on emotions and justify their decisions with logic. Well actually, it’s a bit more nuanced than that. According to...
CRETech August 08, 2018
We tend to look outward for leading innovations, but sometimes the best ideas lie underfoot. If your commercial real estate firm aims to hire leading talent, then it makes sense that your best innovators already work for you. Take JLL’s example. While the company does have an outward-facing arm in
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CRETech August 07, 2018
Ah, fall. Pumpkin spice, changing leaves, and conference season. That’s right: fall is a busy time of year for commercial real estate professionals to gather and exchange information. Don’t miss these exciting opportunities to expand your knowledge base, coming to a venue near you this 2018.

CREtech Los Angeles<...

CRETech August 07, 2018
That’s how long I think we have left in this current CREtech cycle. That’s not so say that CREtech as an ecosystem will be over. Not at all. I still think we are only in the 2nd or 3rd inning, at best, in terms of the evolution of the sector. But I think that this current phase, what I would call the “startup phase”,...
CRETech August 06, 2018
By Richard Sarkis, Co-founder & CEO at Reonomy Anyone in commercial real estate knows that relationships are the gateway to success, especially for off-market transactions. Whe...