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CRETech June 14, 2018

Q&A with Marcela Sapone, Co-Founder & CEO at Hello Alfred

If you wan...
CRETech June 13, 2018
I am back from a few days of attending the biggest, most intense and fast-paced conference I have ever attended… ICSC RECon, which is held every year in Las Vegas. This is a...
CRETech June 07, 2018

Q&A with Arnaud Simeray, VP of Partnerships at Storefront

I have been an admirer and follower of Storefront since they entered the CREtech industry....
CRETech June 05, 2018
“I have never started with a tight goal in mind. What I have always done, and to this day, still do… I see an opportunity, I wade out into the water and I try to figure out where that opportunity is going to take me. It’s a little like body surfing when you go on vacation. You go to the ocean and you know, you get out far enough away from the shore, you sta...
CRETECH January 04, 2017