WeWork Joins CRE // Tech as Lead Innovation Sponsor
CRE // Tech

The largest event platform in the CRE tech industry will help WeWork enhance visibility and connectivity within the entire commercial real estate industry New York, NY (April 11, 2017)-- CRE // Tech (cretech.com) announced that WeWork has signed to come on board to be the leading commercial real estate technology event platform’s Innovation Sponsor. WeWork is the pre-eminent shared workspace solution for entrepreneurs, freelancers, startups and small businesses. With this partnership with CRE // Tech, WeWork will receive prominent exposure at the 2017 CRE // Tech Intersect Events in San Francisco and New York, as well as tremendous branding, content and marketing exposure from The News Funnel throughout the year. Launched in 2013 as the first event platform devoted to the commercial real estate tech sector, CRE // Tech was acquired by The News Funnel earlier this year. The platform has become the leading global community focused on emerging and innovative technologies in the commercial real estate (CRE) space. CRE // Tech consistently produces sold-out events including the hugely popular Intersect Events in San Francisco and New York. The organization’s events bring together thousands of professionals and companies each year. “WeWork is one of the most innovative and successful real estate tech platforms in the industry and therefore the perfect fit to be our lead Innovation Sponsor,” stated Michael Beckerman, CEO, CRE // Tech. “Our goal at CRE // Tech is to showcase the best technology solutions for the commercial real estate industry and we are thrilled to be partnering with one of the most successful and leading-edge tech brands in the world,” Beckerman added. Additional CRE // Tech 2017 partners and sponsors include: CREW SIOR Propteq Europe theBrokerList NAI Global Colliers International Tavaco Properties Onyx Equities Koss Resource VirtualApt Yardi Apto ClientLook CommissionTrac Officespace.com RealConnex (RE)meter VTS SharedSpace Investor Management Services (IMS) Sine ATTOM Virtual Xperience Integrated Business Systems (IBS) Real Capital Markets StealthForce IOTAS RealMassive TheRealDeal Connect Media To learn more about becoming a sponsor for 2017 CRE // Tech Intersect Events, please click here or email kateri@thenewsfunnel.com. About CRE // Tech CRE // Tech is the “Center for Innovation” within the commercial real estate industry. The platform’s mission is to connect brokers, owners/developers, investors and service providers with the leading start ups devoted to commercial real estate. CRE // Tech is owned and operated by The News Funnel, the leading content, connectivity and event platform devoted to the commercial real estate industry. To learn more, visit www.cretech.com. WeWork Joins CRE // Tech as Lead Innovation Sponsor CRE // Tech