The PropTech Revolution is Here

PropTech has always looked towards the future. But the new technologies and shifting culture of the post-COVID workplace have created a rich moment of opportunity. How will tech like AI and TenX shape the workplace of the future?

Prior to the pandemic, the workplace was already on the verge of a technological breakthrough. Companies were slowly embracing videoconferencing and remote work was becoming more common. The shift was slow, but it was happening. And most importantly, the tech had already changed. We were just waiting for a reason to catch up to it.

The pandemic gave us that reason.

In 2020, workers around the world suddenly threw themselves into video calls and remote work as a matter of necessity. In 2022, these tools are integral in nearly every workplace across the world.

And as workers around the world have grown more comfortable with new technologies, the tech has continued to grow more advanced. With huge advances in Artificial Intelligence, workplace data, and TenX platforms like Equiem One, we face a rare opportunity to change the world of work for the better, forever.


How will AI change the workplace?

Artificial Intelligence is unlikely to change anything fundamental about commercial real estate. Instead, it will allow commercial outfits to think at scales and speed humans are simply incapable of.

Like human commercial real estate experts, AI uses data to find actionable conclusions. The difference is that it can process more data than humans at a far higher rate.

AI is uniquely suited for finding opportunities in real estate. There are even some companies employing artificial intelligence to scout for real estate opportunities in the physical world. Take the company OfficeBlocks as an example – their AI software can estimate the rental value of a commercial property simply using an external photograph of the building.

AI will also have applications for analysing the way users interact with the spaces and features within commercial assets. But to truly take advantages of those on-the-ground applications, it’s important to be able capture those interactions in detail.


Tenant Experience moves to the forefront

As tech continues to become more advanced, it allows commercial landlords to provide a more personalised experience to everyone working within their properties. This is what’s known as Tenant Experience (or Workplace Experience).

Products like Equiem One provide control of commercial assets at every level, from a bird’s eye view of portfolio performance down to event planning in individual buildings and workplaces. And while it offers many tools for the people in charge of managing workplaces and commercial assets, it also offers individual employees access to something that has become more important than ever before – an online community.

Equiem’s TenX platform allows employees to interact with their workplace whether they’re physically in the office or working remotely. Onsite users can book spaces around the building, order from local retailers and restaurants, see dynamic news and events feeds and much more. Meanwhile, remote workers can check their feeds to stay connected with the latest news at their workplace, and even RSVP to future events that might entice them into the office for the day.

For landlords and building managers, there’s one distinct added benefit to a TenX platform like this… data. Every time a user interacts with a TenX platform like Equiem, that interaction goes into the backend where it becomes actionable data. All this data can be compared and segmented across individual buildings, entire portfolios, or even from tenancy to tenancy.

TenX and AI can work together

Having huge quantities of data is a good thing, but it can be overwhelming for a human expert to sort through.

TenX platforms like Equiem feature robust reporting dashboards that can help experts find hidden insights and opportunities in the ocean of data they’ll be producing, but AI offers a further step in that direction.

Data is what feeds Artificial Intelligence. With enough data, Artificial Intelligence programs of the future will be able to find opportunities and insights across multi-building portfolios in the blink of an eye.

And that’s why a TenX platform like Equiem is so important. In a data-driven world, the strength of your strategy will be measured by the amount of data you can collect from your users. An engaging, seamless desktop and mobile app like Equiem can maximise your ability to collect those data points and set you up for success.

In real estate, knowledge is power. And the key to knowing your users is more and more coming down to the tech you use to connect with them.



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