Has real estate news become less important?
Michael Beckerman
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Michael Beckerman
Michael Beckerman
Loopnet LoopLink Probably the most prevalent industry solution, Loopnet’s LoopLink allows companies to have all their listings on Loopnet automatically posted on their own website. Pros One-and-done solution: If you’ve got a CRE listing, most likely you’re going to elect to post it on Loopnet. Using LoopLink allows the posting to go live on Loopnet and and your company website simultaneously and avoids double data entry. Cons Formatting is not that customizable, and if done poorly, it is glarin…
Using Google Maps, users can now see indoors. Here is an example of a Google Business Tour: View Larger Map From what we can tell, business owners cannot upload their own tours, but rather, must engage a Trusted Photographer. This is a shame because it would be cool if users could upload their own 360° Panos to Google Maps. Maybe Google could provide a way to filter out user-submitted content, if the viewer prefers less “professional” tours be excluded?…. While the user-submitted 360° pano to…
Michael Beckerman
While most readers are probably familiar with Loopnet, Costar and Xceligent and their mobile apps, some may not be familiar with Catylist and their mobile app. Rather than building a native app, they have elected to use jQuery Mobile’s framework on which to build their app. One thing which is awesome about jQuery mobile, is that you can actually use it – and it is fully functional – in a normal web browser, not just your mobile device’s browser. For instance, here is what an office space search …
Michael Beckerman
Even with iPhone 5’s panoramic capabilities, I think TourWrist may still have a leg up on this niche for the commercial real estate industry. Let’s look at an example: If you’re an owner of an office building with a vacant suite or two, it might be time to download TourWrist. As we’ve heard from View the Space, the impact of this type of virtual tour will definitely set your space apart from your competition….
With the recent entry of several new commercial space listing services like 42Floors, OfficeSpace.com and TheSquareFoot searching for office space has never been easier. While Loopnet and Costar were fighting with the FTC to close their merger, 42Floors was going through Y Combinator, TheSquareFoot was at Demo Day and OfficeSpace was rolling out their new platform in Portland, Oregan. Each of these new services has killer map-based search abilities. Let’s take a look: Meanwhile, Loopnet pinne…
With Apple’s launch of iPhone 5 came several improvements to iPhone’s camera. One of the most useful for commercial real estate could be iPhone 5’s “iSight” panoramic photo abilities. I am not sure that, in its current state, the feature is a complete replacement for an app like TourWrist, but it is an alternative for sure. What’s even better, is that this capability will soon be a part of iOS 6, which means this feature will also trickle down to iPhone 4S. Now get out there and use it!…
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