The best business blog I have seen to date…
Michael Beckerman

Anyone who follows my blog knows that I am obsessed with all things media and content. I built my new startup specifically to be able to provide a platform for content in the real estate industry. I also have been preaching to anyone that will listen that the future of content is that brands become their own media. And finally, that for any business professional who wants to build their own personal brand, blogging is the best tool to do so.
On my particular site, we have hundreds of blogs written by companies and professionals. All covering the real estate industry. But in the overall business sector, there are literally tens of thousands of blogs. I do try to read the top business blogs, but there are so many it can be overwhelming (another reason I built my content curation tool at The News Funnel!).
The best business blog I have seen to date and the one I personally read religiously is from First Round Capital. They do so many things right…the presentation, the quality of the writing, the way they share it on other platforms, etc. I could go on and on about all they do right, but I guess the simplest way to state it is that I read every single article they write! I am not even someone who is looking to raise VC capital, but I still read their blog and share it with whomever I can. It’s that damn good!
Here is a great write-up on First Round Capital’s blog and their overall strategy: Why First Round Capital Launched 9 Magazines
And here is a link to their actual site: First Round Capital
Congrats First Round Capital. You folks clearly get it!