Michael Beckerman

Bennett Washabaugh, Founder/CEO, TenantBase
Mike Zei, Founder/COO, TenantBase
Kailey Faber, Director, TenantBase
Had the pleasure of connecting with Bennett and Mike and learned about their really impressive site TenantBase. The site does what I had been thinking about for a while could be a really good niche in the marketplace… a site focused on small tenants to search, find and lease office space. TenantBase is a free, tech-enable brokerage service built to make searching for an office and signing a lease simple for startups and small businesses.
I think Bennett and Mike are onto something. From what I know from most of my friends that are brokers and developers, leasing to smaller tenants can be time consuming and not always profitable either. And having been a small tenant for most of my business career, it’s also a painful process being a tenant as well. I would keep my eye onTenantBase.