Michael Beckerman

Here are my favorite Real Estate Tech reads from this past week. Happy reading!
5 Lessons CRE Professionals Can Learn from SaaS CompaniesBlog - Jonathan SchultzWith progress in technology and data accelerating, the commercial real estate industry is changing quickly. But smart commercial real estate professionals aren’t looking for new jobs...they’re adapting. In order to stay relevant, CRE professionals need to think beyond the “this is the way we do things” mindset and get creative in their approach to marketing, leasing and managing assets.
#CREtech Exhibitors: WeWorkBlog - Real Estate Tech NewsLead innovation sponsor for CRE // Tech, WeWork is returning to CRE // Tech for another year. WeWork is the pre-eminent shared workspace solution for entrepreneurs, freelancers, startups and small businesses.
11 of the Best Real Estate Agent ToolsBlog - RETechnology Being a real estate agent is challenging, and it's especially hard when you aren't aware of the tools that can help you. Trust us – there's a ton out there that can help if you know where to look.We've compiled a list of the best real estate tools from mobile apps to CRM services to help you do your job even better. Read ahead to start adding to your real estate tech toolbox and become the best equipped agent you can be.
Apple launches new store initiativeNews - Chain Store AgeApple wants to give its shoppers more reasons to visit its stores than to make a purchase or visit the Genius Bar. The tech giant has launched a new initiative, called “Today at Apple," in all 495 Apple stores. The program features more than 60 hands-on sessions in a range of topics, including photography, music, art, design and coding. According to Apple, the classes will be led by highly-trained team members, and, in select cities, world-class artists, photographers and musicians. There will be special programs for families and educators.
Cadre and Point are betting that the best way to win in real estate is to disrupt the marketNews - Tech CrunchOn the stage of TechCrunch Disrupt, the founders of two of the hottest startups in real estate, Cadre and Point articulated the inefficiencies of today’s real estate markets and expressed optimism in their ability to use innovative markets to benefit investors and homeowners respectively.
#CREtech Exhibitors: VirtualAptBlog - Real Estate Tech NewsAs one of the early innovators of modern VR/AR, VirtualAPT has many notable achievements thus far. The company started in January 2016 as an attempt to solve the frustration with having to spend days looking for an apartment in NYC. Once they realized that current technology didn’t exist for the experience consumers wanted, they spent 10 months in development before taking on clients in November of 2016.
Blog - Duke Long
Click On The Image Below and Check Out The Agenda and The Stellar Speaker Lineup.
Downtown L.A.’s Flourishing Tech SceneBlog - Cushman & WakefieldMove over, Silicon Beach. The hottest new tech market is Downtown Los Angeles. I spoke with Variety’s Todd Longwell about the increasing number of tech companies relocating from Silicon Beach to downtown, which was traditionally home to mostly banking, legal, and professional services firms. This new wave of tenants is coming east and ushering in a new era for Downtown L.A.
First Look: Walmart’s next-gen test storesNews - Chain Store AgeSo what’s the bottom line? By rethinking stores and testing new ideas with customers in real-life stores, we are improving customers’ experiences and making it easier than ever for them to get what they need as quickly and easily as possible.
Houzeo simplifies the process of selling your homeNews - Tech CrunchSoftware might be eating the world, but the real estate industry remains one market segment that is still operating in an antiquated world full of phone calls, faxes and manual paperwork processing. Startup Battlefield company Houzeo wants to change that, by digitizing — and simplifying — the process of selling a home.
Meet the RE Tech Entrepreneur: Eric Johnson from HomeHawkBlog - GeekEstate BlogIn our latest real estate tech entrepreneur interview, we’re speaking with Erik Johnson from HomeHawk.Without further ado…
Vire, Modern Property Inspection SoftwareBlog - Real Estate Tech NewsVire was built from the ground up to be a fast, clean and simple mobile property inspection app. It is available for iOS free with no limits on users, properties, items inspected, or inspections conducted.
Open Box is the only certified company in the MRI Partner Network #justsayingPress Release - OpenBoxFollowing a relationship of 13 years, Open Box recently became the first of MRI Software's service partners to be certified in terms of the MRI Partner Certification Program.
Resource preview: a brief history of CRE technologyBlog - BuildoutIt’s commonly believed that commercial real estate is an industry against change, especially when it comes to tech adoption. But that’s not true. New technology developed for CRE has changed the game over the years. Let’s take a look back.
These are the five finalists in the TechCrunch Disrupt NY Startup BattlefieldNews - Tech CrunchOver the past two days, 20 companies have taken the stage at TechCrunch’s Startup Battlefield, where they presented their products and took questions from our expert judges.
How Brokers Can Encourage Agent Tech AdoptionBlog - RETechnologyTechnology has infiltrated every sector of business, making it virtually impossible to work effectively without making use of some sort of high-tech program, be it an application on a smartphone or a cloud-based project management device in the office. "Technology disruption," as it's called, has changed the way that most real estate companies conduct business.
Our Flexible Office Solution, altSpace, Helps Landlords Attract More TenantsBlog - Real Estate Tech NewsThere’s a trend in flexible office with no signs of slowing down. As demand for flexible office grows more rapidly and widespread, the traditional commercial real estate world has an opportunity to capitalize. LiquidSpace is here to bridge the gap between demand for flexible office and the rest of the CRE industry. Our answer to the flexible office void is altSpace – a design first fit-out solution that can transform essentially any commercial space into a turnkey office space within 60 days.
Cadre and Point are betting that the best way to win in real estate is to disrupt the market
News - Tech Crunch
On the stage of TechCrunch Disrupt, the founders of two of the hottest startups in real estate, Cadre and Point articulated the inefficiencies of today’s real estate markets and expressed optimism in their ability to use innovative markets to benefit investors and homeowners respectively.
Have I missed anything? Feel free to reach out to me at michael@thenewsfunnel.com with your favorite RE Tech articles for this week. I am always looking for new content to read!
Don't forget to come meet me in San Francisco on June 8th at CRE // Tech! Tickets are on sale now!