If There Was One Real Estate Conference (Other Than Mine ?) That I Would Attend, This Is The One…
Michael Beckerman

I have been fortunate to meet so many smart, forward-thinking and really decent people in the commercial real estate tech space. Literally, on a daily basis, I am blown away by the caliber of people I meet in this field.
And one of the most impressive people and organizations I have connected with is Steve Weikal, Director of Alumni Relations at the MIT Center for Real Estate in Boston.
Steve and I struck a partnership earlier this year to have our two organizations collaborate on events and more. This partnership is truly one of the things I am most proud of in my entire career. If you have ever visited the center, heard Steve speak, read any of their research, or seen what they are working on in their lab, everything they do is really, really impressive. When you get to know Steve and his team, you cannot help but think you are around the smartest people you will ever run into in commercial real estate -- period!
And so it is a no brainer to recommend to my readers, that if there is one event they should attend, other than ours of course :), it’s the MIT World Real Estate Forum. No other event brings the caliber of speakers, attendees and topics together all at one time, under one roof and operated by one organization.
Check out some of the incredible speakers that will be sharing their insights with us at the conference: https://www.mitworldreforum.com/speakers.html
I hope you will discover The MIT Center for Real Estate and their upcoming MIT World Forum…the industry needs more institutions like them and more events like this. It’s how collectively commercial estate gets to the next level of innovation, ideas and excellence.