Michael Beckerman

Most of the people reading this blog probably don’t remember that great song by Randy Newman so I will add it here…
But I really do love L.A. The city has exploded in recent years as a hub of tech, arts and of course, real estate. Three things that I am personally very passionate about. And it’s clear that they are all interconnected as well. The arts fuel the creatives which fuel the techies and then come the real estate folks to offer the cool space to house them all. A great read on this can be found here.
And with regards to tech momentum, L.A. will most likely soon eclipse Boston, having received the third largest amount of VC funding in the country, behind San Francisco and NYC.
So when my friend Jeremy Neuer and CRE // Tech Board Advisor came to me with the idea of hosting another West Coast event in 2017 (we just had our killer San Francisco event in June which received rave reviews and had over 400 in attendance), I was ALL IN! Hell ya! And the really cool part of his idea was to focus on a theme of AI and specifically, Driverless Cars. Loved it.
So, L.A. here we come! Our entire team is mobilized and excited to announce that our next CRE // Tech event will be September 28th in L.A. We are very grateful to CBRE for hosting this event at their extraordinary World Headquarters office. Honestly, the trip is worth it just to see their awesome space. I have toured it and was blown away. It’s a true model of what the future of the office will look like. Here is a great overview.
As for our speakers, we have two really dynamic presentations from Andy Cohen, Co-CEO of Gensler, who will give the Keynote Presentation on Driverless Cars and their impact on the real estate sector. Additionally, I am thrilled that Lewis Horne, President of the Southern California and Hawaii Division for CBRE, will have a Fireside Chat with the leading VC in the CRE tech space today, Brad Greiwe, Co-Founder of Fifth Wall on “AI, Driverless Cars and the Future of Real Estate Tech.”
I personally plan to spend a few days in L.A. to get to know the city better and to also visit with any startups that might be interested in meeting up. Give me a shout if you want to meet up as well!
Very excited about this event and how the overall CRE tech sector continues to evolve and grow!
Hope to see you in L.A on September 28th!
Don't forget to come meet me in Los Angeles on September 28th and New York on December 7th for CRE // Tech! Tickets are on sale now!