Five things I learned from my #Talkshop Live with Turner Levison of CommissionTrac…
Michael Beckerman

I had a great time at my recent Talkshop Live with Turner Levison of CommissionTrac. Really great interview with a passionate Founder. CommissionTrac is the type of product that will do well in this market cycle. Solutions that make professionals more efficient. From paper to digital. From snail-pace to real time. Actionable intelligence. In my opinion, this is what will be successful in the CRE tech space. And Turner is on this big time with his product.
Here are my five takeaways…
1. When you meet Turner, you can’t help but root for him! He is such a passionate, driven and honest guy that you immediately like him. And want to see him succeed (I absolutely do!)
2. He has some of the top tech developers from Israel! I have always known that Israel is the home of some of the top developers in the world, and I am really impressed that Turner has a full team from there dedicated to his site. Impressive shit!
3. His niche is one that has a significant upside. Solving broker pain points and helping them get paid faster is a smart niche!
4. He has entrepreneurialism in his blood. Literally. Both of his parents are super successful entrepreneurs and I think that growing up in that kinda culture gives anyone a really good foundation!
5. He is riding the alliance trend big time. One of the really encouraging things about what Turner is doing is that he is also partnering with other sites to integrate his product with theirs. As I have written about a lot lately in this blog, we are clearly in a period of sites partnering with other sites to accelerate their adoption, but in turn it makes it super easy for the end user to utilize one platform for multiple solutions.
If you don’t know Turner and CommissionTrac, check them out here.
Don't forget to come meet me in Los Angeles on September 28th and New York on December 7th for CRE // Tech! Tickets are on sale now!