As if there needed to be more confirmation that today content is king, here comes Apple!
Michael Beckerman

In my mind, Apple has the world’s smartest brand thinkers, marketing strategists and product gurus. So when I read that THEY are getting into the content marketing business, it really means something significant.
I have been writing about, speaking about, preaching about and thinking about content marketing for years. It's why I left my own PR firm – because I really wanted to be part of this phenomenon-and built my own content platform.
Here are some of my posts about content:
> LinkedIn and the power of good content
> More great content coming from the commercial real estate industry
> From content to commerce…a new model?
> Taking content creation to a whole new level
> The Content Tipping Point for the Real Estate Industry?
I remember when I first got started in business in the late 1980's, it was all about print advertising. Huge budgets from advertisers. The more consecutive the pages, the better. The bolder, the better.
Then came digital and banner ads.
Followed by SEO and SEM.
In the consumer-marketing world, video exploded as the next big thing in marketing.
Now it's all about creating your own content. Brands as media! Read Gary Vaynerchuk’s blog about this topic as an example of why every company is a media company. Or, take a look at First Round Capital’s business blog; amazing content!
Any company not investing in telling their own story and using content to drive engagement and traffic is living in the dark ages.
In my case, I built the largest platform in the real estate industry to house all of this amazing content in one centralized location. Almost 5,000 sources of content currently and growing daily.
It's not to hard to figure out that besides brands creating their own content, the future will also be in platforms that curate and host all of this content. (At least that's what I am betting on!