We Needed 5G Connectivity Yesterday
CREtech Blog

It’s amazing to think roughly 55 million people in modern America still lack advanced broadband access. If that number of people live without streamlined internet, how many businesses function with limited access? How can the workforce compete in a world demanding instant download and uploads of everything? Even the mobile 4G network is reaching its limits, which is why the 5G network buildout is desperately needed.
The Digital Universe’s Future
Cisco reported in 2016 that North America will increase its total device connections by 16 percent. These devices, from smart building sensors to smartphones, can’t function adequately without fast broadband support. If the International Data Council is right, our digital universe “is doubling in size every two years, and by 2020 the digital universe – the data we create and copy annually – will reach 44 zettabytes, or 44 trillion gigabytes.” With this quantity of data being communicated, our current 4G system is becoming outdated.
5G is the natural evolution of connectivity. Running on a high-spectrum band, 5G networks will have less activity than current 4G networks. It’s not just about expanding fast access for mobile phones, but the entire next generation of tech: laptops, tablets, and smart devices.
5G Network Benefits
A business that shifts to the 5G model will benefit from enhanced communications capabilities. Fewer service interruptions mean more employee and consumer interactions. Communications with remote employees will be instantaneous and accurate. Physical office space will matter less than reliable connectivity.
IoT devices need the 5G network to run as intended. With the faster, more reliable service, these smart devices are less likely to experience outages. The IoT network will always be standing at the ready to work, creating seamless smart building experiences.
Businesses need speed to process the big data they are gathering to improve their operations. The network’s decrease in latency removes significant lag time in response. Armed with the latest in real-time information, the 5G networks allows for smarter and more confident business decision making
Why We Need 5G
The network replaces massive hubs for smaller hubs in higher quantities. Shrinking the distance between a service provider and its end user increases download and upload speeds. Translation: faster streamlining over wireless location with fewer interruptions in service.
5G connectivity potentially will improve wireless access for everyone. Underserved businesses will have connectivity unlike ever before, allowing them to finally access Software-as-a-Service providers and grow their business platforms.
Apps are increasing in complexity. The Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly expanding, but these devices need instantaneous responses to work adequately. Virtual reality, augmented reality, and live video streaming work best on limited latent connections. 5G’s faster bandwidth speeds will help tech providers design more complex apps and companies run more programs without a drop in service. We need 5G connectivity to keep pressing tech innovation forward.