Synergy Power Gauge: New SiteZeus Synergy Capability for Growing all Types of Retail Brands
CREtech Blog

Among the options for location intelligence technology for brokers, developers, and emerging as well as established brands, SiteZeus ranks as the leader. Enhancing this capability is the recent launch of Synergy Power Gauge. This software-as-a-service (SaaS) is a revolutionary solution that is completely changing location intelligence along with machine learning specific to the creation of a holistic end-user experience.
One of the primary benefits of using Synergy Power Gauge is that it is 100% user-driven. Working as a confidence metric, this solution adds more data points to the SiteZeus engine. As a result, you have the ability to continually try to make improvements. Once you begin to see a noted improvement in predictability, the level of accuracy attained is represented by the gauge.
By removing each location out of the predictive model and then forecasting back on it, virtually all of the sites or stores that exist in your account are cross-validated or back-tested. As a result, the difference between actual and projected sales and performance is correctly measured. Obviously, this information becomes invaluable.
Primary Benefits of Synergy Power Gauge
There are a number of benefits associated with Synergy Power Gauge. Primarily, it offers a turnkey solution for real estate. In addition, this new SiteZeus capability offers consumer analytics for growing virtually all types of retail brands.
With this solution, you have the opportunity to identify your targeted customer and learn how you are impacted by the competition. Synergy Power Gauge also provides both immediate and actionable insights in regards to sales forecasting and national feasibility optics.
The official launch of Synergy Power Gauge was in 2015. Since that time, SiteZeus has become the most respected and trusted solution for hotels, banks, healthcare facilities, restaurants, retailers, and other industries around the country. The unique combination of next-generation geospatial technology and big data-driven location intelligence is what makes this product so incredible.
A prime example is First Watch, which just partnered with this SiteZeus technology in an effort to grow the brand. The Synergy Power Gauge technology will provide Hardees’ executives with real-time and web-based site selection coupled with artificial location intelligence, a powerful yet user-friendly experience. As part of the site selection process are automatic aggregation, analysis, and presentation.
As more and more well-known companies turn to Synergy Power Gauge to gain a better understanding of core attribute drivers for new and existing locations, whether locally, regionally, or nationally, real estate decisions will be driven quicker, but they will also be more profitable. Overall, franchisees and brands can now have genuine insight that was previously lacking in the day-to-day operations.
Unlike anything else developed, this advanced technology will provide you with a leg up on the competition by having a better handle on your own company. Ultimately, you will make more informed decisions that have an effect on your sales and profit. Unlike some other technology solutions, the future for the SiteZeus Synergy Power Gauge is extremely promising.