Stratafolio Helps Portfolio Investors Avoid The Numbers Crunch
CREtech Blog

Technology has blessed us with the gift of aggregation, the ability to put all of our interests into one practical room with a view. This especially comes in handy for busy investors who don’t have the time or the patience for data digging.
Investors, by nature, are cautious and hungry for knowledge, but also under constant pressure; the only real solution to success is to make the most of their time (including real-time) and to step back and refresh and analyze, often. And in real estate investment, accurate numbers (and metrics) are everything.
Talk about a disconnect: according to the Stratafolio website, 30% of all global investors rely only on spreadsheets such as Excel; 48% of all global investors use siloed property management and accounting systems; only 22% of all global investors use integrated systems (leaving 78% needing a solution). The idea is to pull it all together and stop the madness.
Stratafolio founders Jeri Frank and Uriel Barillas, a married couple based in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, created their portfolio management platform out of their own needs as real estate investors. Separate spreadsheets simply weren’t cutting it -- the information would quickly become outdated and the attempt to match up the sheets just begged for mistakes, oversights and general confusion. The solution: one solid, dependable nerve center that generates useable information in real time.
Stratafolio offers a dashboard that showcases investors’ key operational and financial metrics without investors spending their own time tediously compiling the information. The view allows for more accurate portfolio analysis, no matter what the asset type, opening up the ability to strategize next moves.
Also available (and urgent): alerts that sound the horn when leases are expiring or rent changes are coming, allowing for more proaction.
The dashboard is vital for expansion plans and cost reductions. According to Uriel Barillas’ blog post, there are six characteristics of highly effective data dashboards: those that align with goals, effective visuals (bar charts, pie charts that tell the actual story to your eyes as well as your brain), numbers that show context (how they fit into current trends, NOI, and so forth), up-to-the-minute data (always), the ability to tell a story (what happened so far, and what may happen in the near future), and a logical layout (easy to see, read, and understand).
Not surprisingly, the Stratafolio dashboard meets all of these requirements. Without a reliable dashboard, it becomes nearly impossible for investors to make informed decisions and draw confident conclusions. A strong dashboard can root out weak links in the investment chain, locating issues and red flags, sometimes even before they are raised.
“Data provides insights,” Frank recently told National Real Estate Investor, “which in turn allows the investor to take positive action.”
Click here to find out more about Stratafolio.