Rescour Gives You a Smart Bird’s Eye View
CREtech Blog

We’ve always been told that real estate is all about location, but what we’re not told -- although we realize soon enough -- is that very much of it is about visualization.
REscour, based in Atlanta, enables investors and brokers to zoom into any market to actually see not just the property, but property information, location-based news, and more. Think of it as Google Maps on steroids. The platform is also mobile-friendly.
The result: the ability to zero in and filter down on what is relevant to the property of interest: news, nearby listings, transactions and more, from markets all over the country. Access to listings, property details, and local news allows you to organize, track, share and analyze information with your clients or your team.
While most of the industry works on spreadsheets, REscour instead offers a bird’s-eye map view, which includes the aggregated information that is geolocated to your destination address. The map is interactive, and gives you instant access at the office or even on the road.
The idea is to establish a platform that streamlines communication between brokers and their research teams, in real time. This eliminates out-of-date spreadsheets and long turnaround time on report requests.
The information you need for a specific investment can be housed on “property cards.” These details can include collected data such as owner name, number of units, taxes, assessments, and more. The cards allow for comments so that you can start a dialogue with your staff or investment partners.
Related CRE news about your neighborhood of interest is updated every hour -- from over 200 news sources across the country --- so that you are always informed on the latest happenings. This includes news about new developments, employer movement, and the big sales nearby.
The platform includes investment sales listings, pulled from over 80 of the top brokers in the country. This appeals to those who are looking for their first deal in a particular locale -- and those who are looking for their next one. Also available are sales comps, featuring transaction data from both internal sources and every county assessor in the nation.
REscour aggregates all of your company’s leasing information so that it is available to you on demand. Also available are email alerts and visualized map views that can be filtered to offer such information as date available, asking rent, floor, class, and more.
You can also peer into the future: you’ll be alerted to when new developments and new buildings are popping up, including the delivery date, number of units, and the developer’s name.
As well as visualization, the name of the game here is aggregation. REscour integrates from multiple siloed sources and creates a single source -- with a view.
As part of a broader partnership initiative, professionals at certain brokerages are eligible for signup. Click here to find out if you’re among them.
The REscour platform creates knowledge, another tool as powerful as location.
Click here to find out more about REscour.