Relola Takes Property Search Beyond the MLS
CREtech Blog

Relola is taking a different approach to property searches than popular sites like Zillow or Trulia. On such sites, agents actually pay to advertise next to listings that they, more often than not, have never actually seen in person. Relola is different in that agents on the site write property previews that provide information that goes far beyond the basic data made available on the MLS to interested homebuyers.
Taking a Revolutionary Approach
As a result, Relola is much more than just another property search site. Relola actually defines the market for leads right down to the individual listing. At the same time, Relola helps to boost a property listing's SEO by creating content that is both original and marketable. By giving consumers the ability to obtain information beyond the MLS, this revolutionary site also makes the most of an increasing demand for market transparency. In many ways, Relola is helping to bridge the gap between homebuyers and agents, by allowing agents to obtain the maximum audience for the information they have available to share. For too long, this type of expertise has remained restricted to only small client circles. Now, thanks to Relola, agents are able to share their wealth of knowledge with a far larger audience.
Agents registered on Relola are only able to write previews for property listings they have actually viewed. Details made available include the top three features, as well as drawbacks. Agents can even provide possible solutions to those drawbacks. Users on Relola are able to request previews, which in turn notifies all registered agents located in the nearby vicinity of a particular listing. After an agent has completed a preview, he or she can also respond to questions posted in the conversations part of a listing. A mobile app is available, giving agents the opportunity to check into properties in order to view those properties at a later time. When a property is previewed in this manner, it displays a verified tag. With the ability to preview properties, Relola gives agents the opportunity to gain exposure and become recognized as industry leaders in their local markets.
Relola also helps to increase transparency. Acting as a socially driven platform, Relola facilitates improved agent/consumer interactions. Homebuyers are provided with the inside scoop to more information than would typically be available on traditional real estate search sites. For homebuyers who have ever felt as though they were kept out of the loop regarding confidential information on a property listing, Relola is helping to change that perception while ensuring that consumers have all the information they need to make a better-informed purchasing decision.
The company is not just committed to providing exceptional service to real estate professionals and homebuyers, but is also committed to giving back to the community at large.
Soon, Relola plans to add a new feature. The Relola Cares program will award Care Points for app/site participation that can be redeemed for donations to charitable organizations.