Nestiny Helps Improve the Home Buying Experience
CREtech Blog

Nestiny has a specific goal in mind: empowering and educating consumers about the home buying process. Now launched, this real estate technology startup believes the buying process can and should be completely revolutionized. As explained by Jody Clower, founder and CEO, Nestiny is not alone in the belief that the current buying process is seriously flawed, but that it can be fixed through education.
Recently launched, Nestiny offers education pertaining to home buying through an unparalleled process of guided learning. That, coupled with interactive tools, helps people interested in buying a home gain better insight into their personal and financial readiness. After all, buying and owning a home is a major responsibility that some people do not fully understand until faced with financial disaster.
At the heart of this technology startup is Using a desktop or laptop computer, as well as various mobile devices, homebuyers go through a user-friendly process of discovery. The content on the site is both educational and appealing. In addition, users have access to fun games, expert advice, and a variety of helpful tools.
Buying a home is typically a very stressful event—one that often feels overwhelming. Overall, the process can quickly become confusing, complex, and even frightening. To simplify the process without compromising quality of service, Nestiny has come up with the ideal solution. Using innovative technology, it gives people the opportunity to recognize both wants and needs specific to buying a home.
There are several stressors associated with buying a home, starting with the purchase price. Another issue is that a large number of homebuyers spend days and days looking at houses that are simply poor matches. Usually, these homes are too expensive for their budget. To get solid information at whatever pace is most comfortable, homebuyers can turn to Nestiny. This portal is easy to use, accurate, safe, and trusted.
Unfortunately, with a lot of questions and few answers, many homebuyers turn to the wrong source for information, support, and guidance. Within a short amount of time, they realize they were going in the wrong direction and now have consequences to pay. To avoid this nightmare, people can turn to Nestiny as the sole source.
Although it is just a startup company, Nestiny is already getting rave reviews. In addition to homebuyers finding the site extremely helpful, real estate professionals agree that the educational process is non-strenuous, smart, and effective. Using this tech startup, realtors have the ability to educate clients prior to searching for their dream home.
Even media outlets are speaking out in favor of what Nestiny has to offer. Virginia Bride, Bloomberg Radio, Borrowed and Blue, NBC, and several other outlets have already featured Nestiny, with many more in the wings.
As expressed by Clower, this is only the beginning. Ultimately, Nestiny wants to show people all over the country that Richmond, Virginia is just as tech savvy as New York and Silicon Valley. By solving a national problem, Nestiny has already contributed to the local economy.