Get Snapped at Social Media Day
CREtech Blog

Did you know that seven out of ten Americans use social media to connect online with news, entertainment, and friends? The latest numbers from Pew Research Center show that in just twelve years, the number of social media users grew from 5% to nearly 70% of adults. Social media has certainly changed how we communicate ideas and access entertainment. Mashable decided to recognize how social media has impacted our world by established Social Media Day (#SMDay). Now social media aficionados around the world gather each year to discuss the growth and changes in this explosive field.
Join The Content Funnel team June 30 for a special Social Media Day event not to be missed. The team gathered a lineup of heavy-hitting social media experts from recognizable brands: Comedy Central, GrubHub, Boxed, Cohn and more.
Whether you are a top marketing executive or a social media novice, this #SMDay event has something for everyone. Event emcee Glenn LaFollette of JLL will be on hand to move attendees from one incredible session to the next. Learn from Comedy Central’s Claire Joyce on improving social media analytics and insights. Mallorie Rosenbluth of GrubHub/Seamless presents a case study of Saved by Bell’s Zack Morris to improve social media storytelling. Discover what toilet paper has to do with social media from Boxed’s CMO, Jackson Jeyanayagam. Check out the entire #SMDay agenda to learn what other engaging sessions the all-star cast will present on #SMDay.
#SMDay will run from 8:45-3:30 on June 30 at New York’s Knotel venue on W 38th St. General attendee tickets cost $150, but reserve tickets by May 26 for early bird pricing. Full details are available at The Content Funnel.