CRE Comes To CREtech! Introducing’s NEW Apartments Tech Event
CREtech Blog

One of the most extraordinary developments in my own CREtech orbit is the interest, cooperation and support of the “mainstream” media that covers the commercial real estate sector. Many, many great examples, but one of the most significant is and Realshare (owned by the same parent company). I have long been an admirer of their news and events platform and have personally been an avid reader and attendee. So when they reached out to us at CREtech and wanted to talk about collaboration, I was thrilled. For my company of course, but mostly for the entire industry!
At CREtech, our main focus is our events, our daily newsletter,(we distribute the biggest news stories each day from around the industry), our directory and our research. We don’t have aspirations to be a traditional news outlet writing trend articles or company profiles. That is a crowded field and there are tons of great tech media outlets generating amazing content.
But we do have a great interest in distributing great, relevant content. And since we know the CREtech landscape as well as anyone we have a good handle on what stories our 20,000 subscriber list want to read. So when decided to start covering CREtech, we were delighted. You can check out their coverage here...
When RealShare said they wanted to collaborate on a tech event within their massive RealShare Apartments conference, I was even more thrilled. I was able to put together an All-Star panel for this event that features some of the most active and important players in Multifamily tech. Check it out here...
To me, this entire CREtech movement isn’t about one person or one site. It’s about tens of thousands of people, thousands of sites and companies, throughout the U.S. and the world. And our mission at is to help ensure this movement continues to grow and evolve into a thriving, permanent ecosystem. We need all the help we can get, so when the likes of and RealShare come along and want to get involved, to me, that’s something I welcome and want to encourage more of.
Throughout my entire career, I have always felt that collaborating with as many people and companies as possible was just good business. Even if some might be perceived as competitors. I never saw it that way. I saw it as “rising tides lift everyone’s boats”! And that’s why I am thrilled to work with, RealShare and many other media outlets.
To me it means only great things for the CREtech sector as a whole!