Chatting Away: Bringing Artificial Intelligence Chatbots to Real Estate
CREtech Blog

Person-to-person interaction is what sells real estate, but conversing with prospective unqualified clients drains a lot of time, energy, and money. That’s where Apartment Ocean’s latest innovation helps. Its new Chatbot is an artificial intelligence that interacts with clients just like a human agent. Users will appreciate that chatbots:
Automate the initial real estate contactAre available to prospective clients 24/7Answers and questions are customizable
Apartment Ocean’s Chatbot is perfect for brokerage companies and property management professionals to spend less time answering basic information and more time with qualified tenants.
How It Works
Other industries have used messenger technology to automate their initial client contact or provide customer support, but artificial intelligence hasn’t been applied to real estate until now. The Chatbot virtual assistant automates the initial contact with a client. The artificial intelligence is programmed to answer questions any average user would ask. The programming is flexible and versatile enough to answer simple questions like “How are you?” to “Do you have any two bedroom apartments available on the Upper East Side?” The bot can recommend properties, search listings, and record information for each user. The settings are customizable to better reflect the end user’s business, whether a commercial brokerage or an apartment complex. The Apartment Ocean Chatbot works on desktop and mobile platforms.
Why Use a Chatbot
People prefer a personal connection--not filling out website forms and maybe getting a return answer hours or days later. Messaging is the way people communicate in the modern world. It’s expensive and draining to have a messaging app staffed 24/7, but a chatbot is the virtual assistant tool that never sleeps. It instantly responds to their queries for minimal cost. It’s an user-friendly and efficient way to start the buying or renting process.
Apartment Ocean’s Chatbot will be released in October 2016. To view the demo, visit here.