Announcing the new Apto Mobile App for CRE brokers
CREtech Blog

It’s now easier than ever for Apto customers to take the power of the industry's leading deal management platform with them. Optimized to give brokers what they need when away from their desks, the mobile app helps brokers save time and be more prepared and productive wherever they are.Let’s take an example of a typical afternoon a broker might spend out in the field.You’re on your way to a client meeting and find a great parking spot downtown (for a change!). As you’re walking to the coffee shop, you notice a familiar building that’s getting some construction done on the roof. Maybe it’s just repairs, or maybe the owner is getting ready to sell. You pull up the Apto Mobile App in your phone and add a task to call the owner of the building to check in.
Your next stop is to meet a client for a property tour. While you’re waiting for him to show up, you get a call from a prospect you had emailed earlier in the week. But you don’t remember which listing she was inquiring about. Instead of saying “I’ll have to call you back,” you briefly chit chat on speaker while you pull up her contact record in Apto. You find your notes on your last conversation and have answers ready when she starts talking business. When you hang up, you’re prompted to log the call, and you can add a few notes about the conversation you just had.Your client is running a bit late, so while you’re waiting, you scan through the details of the property again on your phone. Then you take a few more photos of the building and upload them to the property record in the app. And finally, you take a quick look at your tasks for the rest of the day before your client shows up.There’s nothing complicated about it, your day just runs more smoothly, freeing you up to focus your attention where it needs to be—on your clients.Learn more about the Apto Mobile App