Acquire Real Estate Debuts First Cash Flow Calculator for Real Estate Crowd Investing
CREtech Blog

A new interactive tool is now helping real estate investors gain a better understanding of individual returns. Debuted by Acquire Real Estate, the tool is the first cash flow calculator for real estate crowd investing. Aptly named the Cash Flow Calculator, the new tool displays legal fees as well as total profit and percent ownership. Investors can use the calculator as a resource for obtaining greater transparency in their real estate investing activities. For instance, investors can choose an initial investment amount and the calculator will then display potential returns over the investment’s lifetime.
Introducing Greater Transparency into Real Estate Investing
The decision of whether to invest in real estate is important, and investors need all available resources in order to make the most informed decision possible. Acquire’s ultimate goal in releasing the calculator is to make the entire process more transparent. Investors today have the opportunity to create a real estate investment portfolio that will reflect their own preferences as well as their individual appetite for risk. With the new calculator available, investors will be able to identify the right opportunities for investments.
Along with the Cash Flow Calculator, Acquire also offers an extensive library of videos, articles, and other resources, all designed to assist individual investors in developing their own customized real estate investment strategy.
A Wealth of Resources Made Available to Investors
The Acquire Real Estate Platform features a range of income-producing commercial properties. The company, which operates as a crowdinvesting platform, pre-screens and pre-funds all properties. One element that sets Acquire apart from competing platforms is that Acquire does not utilize payment-dependent loans. Instead, the company takes a rather unique approach as an equity investor by underwriting and investing in each individual property before it is offered to members.
Crowdinvesting in real estate has become an increasingly popular investment avenue for individual investors. In fact, crowdfunding can be a fantastic resource for individual investors with an interest in diversifying in a variety of real estate projects. For instance, investors can invest in multiple deals with relatively small amounts of money in each project. Provided that an investor conducts their research on the crowdfunding portal he or she chooses to use, deals can be screened quickly. Acquire makes the process even easier by pre-screening deals for investors, thereby helping to reduce the timeframe for the research process.
Crowdfunding can also be beneficial for real estate investors who need to raise capital for a project. In the past, investors who needed to raise a large amount of money in equity financing would have had little choice but to approach wealthy investors on an individual basis. With the availability of crowdfunding, it becomes possible to reach a large pool of investors within a short period of time.
Offering a wealth of tools and resources, including the new Cash Flow Calculator, Acquire is making it easier for everyone involved to benefit from greater transparency in real estate investing.