5 Top Real Estate Tech Firms That Are Changing the Industry
CREtech Blog

Thanks to the introduction of a flurry of real estate tech companies, the process of closing a real estate transaction is now much easier, faster, and more convenient than at any point in time. Below, we take a look at just a few of the top real estate technology firms that are rapidly changing the industry.
1. Closing Corp
Closing Fee Estimator tracks tens of thousands of service providers to provide detailed closing cost information for residential properties across the nation. Settlement and title professionals also utilize Closing Corp's DART platform to obtain guaranteed recording fee information. The firm also offers a Seller Net Sheet that calculates the net proceeds for a seller. As a result, it is possible to provide buyers and sellers with the most up-to-date information about prospective closing costs possible.
2. Lone Wolf Real Estate Technologies
Approximately 10,000 real estate firms in the United States as well as Canada use this firm's products. Complete Enterprise Solutions is designed to provide a completely integrated product line, offering real estate brokerages a back office, front office, and web-based software all on one platform. As a result, real estate brokerages are able to take advantage of new revenue opportunities.
3. Realty Trac
Realty Trac offers five distinct databases: deed, tax, Homefacts, distressed property, and mortgage. The firm also provides customized solutions for tech providers and MLS networks. Recently, Realty Trac released its MEGA Lead Generation Platform, which is comprised of detailed information on more than 100 million properties across the country. With this platform, users can drill down into data to create incredibly targeted marketing lists, which can help real estate professionals work far more productively.
4. RealtyConnection
For real estate agents, recruiting can be a hassle. RealtyConnection is designed to make the process easier and more productive. With RealtyConnection, users are able to view company profiles as well as features side-by-side. In addition, the platform provides information on marketing agreements with Fidelity National Financial and the California Association of Realtors. According to the company, more than a thousand firms are already using the platform for recruiting purposes.
5. DotLoop
An incredibly popular online real estate transaction platform, this firm has collected millions of users since it first launched. By providing brokers, agents, and third-party service providers with the ability to complete everything related to a real estate transaction online, DotLoop has made the real estate industry far more convenient while eliminating the need to fax or even drive documents from one location to another to obtain signatures. Click here for an article on what's next for DotLoop.
The real estate industry may have been somewhat slow to enter the tech field, but once it did, the changes have been nothing short of astounding. As technology continues to develop, the changes to the real estate industry are likely to evolve even further.