Smart Cities Archives | Page 7 of 19 | CREtech

brandonlin August 02, 2021
John Helm, Partner at RET Ventures, speaks to the value of self-leasing technology, and what options become available to tenants and owners with ubiquitous wifi.
brandonlin August 01, 2021
Heated saltwater swimming pools. Craft beer and cocktail bars. Pilates and wine tasting. There’s a lot more to today’s senior housing communities than the drab and dreary independent living and 55-plus properties of the past. Fortified by a lifetime of housing experiences and bolstered by decades of income and retirement savings, baby boomers remain renters of choice, and, as they consider sen...
brandonlin August 01, 2021
Amazon's biometric palm reader is making its way into the company's Whole Foods and cashierless Go stores — and Axios editor-in-chief Nick Johnston, lover of all things automated, had to try it out on a visit to a Go store in New York, Bryan writes.
brandonlin August 01, 2021
Retail stores of all sizes are turning part of their real estate footprint into logistics and fulfillment centers as they try to blend in-store shopping with e-commerce offerings.
brandonlin July 27, 2021

Moped rental company Revel has the green light to launch an app-based car service in New York for its blue-hued fleet — despite a city policy that tried to nip it in the bud.

Revel executives said they plan to launch the service Aug. 2 with 50 baby ...

brandonlin July 25, 2021
As the pandemic emptied out Main Streets and normalized telework, many experts
brandonlin July 22, 2021
Do not confuse the shape of a fashionable residential tower with the artistic line drawn by an architect. It is the line of truce after a battle. A developer fights to expand his territory, his holy volume of rentable space, and the architect pushes back, trying to carve and sculpt that volume, and to make it beautiful. The developer wins, of course, giving us the box with an all-glass skin that i...
brandonlin July 22, 2021
Today, Argo AI announced a new partnership with Lyft that will accelerate our deployment of Ford driverless vehicles for ride-hailing. Through this industry-first collaboration, companies with the three key aspects required to launch, val...
brandonlin July 20, 2021
Exploding demand for curb space in urban areas has inspired new technologies like "digital smart zones" that help cities manage those narrow but increasingly valuable tracts of real estate.
brandonlin July 20, 2021
Face-recognition tech is coming to a store near you, if it's not there already, and that's sparking a new wave of opposition.