Smart Cities Archives | Page 14 of 19 | CREtech

Lauren April 14, 2021
Silicon Labs’ Wi-Sun solution will enable secure wireless connectivity for a broad range of applications, including advanced metering infrastructure and smart street lighting.
Lauren April 13, 2021
ANN ARBOR, Mich., April 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Domino's (NYSE: DPZ), the largest pizza company in the world based on global retail sales, and Nuro, the leading self-driving delivery company, are launching autonomous pizza delivery in Houston. Beginning this week, select customers who place a prepaid order on 
Lauren April 13, 2021

WeRide, the Chinese autonomous vehicle startup that recently raised $310 million, has received a permit to test driverless vehicles on public roads in San Jose, California. WeRide is the seventh company, following AutoX, Baidu, Cruise, Nuro Waymo and Zoox, to receive a driverless testing permit.

Lauren April 13, 2021
Software République aims to provide an enriched and sustainable mobility offer for cities, regions, businesses and citizens by jointly developing and marketing intelligent systems.
Lauren April 13, 2021
Electric vehicles are coming to a charging point near you, and they are coming sooner than you think thanks to government, which says fossil fuel 
Lauren April 12, 2021
Would you be willing to buy a home from a robot using only an app? As technology becomes more and more integrated into the design and 
Lauren April 12, 2021
Analysis by C40 Cities highlights the economic and health benefits for Canadians of investing in city-led efforts to secure a green and just recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.
Lauren April 09, 2021

Honda and Verizon are researching how 5G and mobile edge computing might improve safety for today’s connected vehicles and the future’s autonomous ones. The two companies, which announced the partnership Thursday, are piloting different safety scenarios at the University of Michigan’s Mcity, a test bed for connected and auton...

Lauren April 09, 2021
Transmira and Kognition will collaborate as part of a consortium of XR companies to develop and implement latest technology and vanguard best practices to create the next generation of smart cities.
Lauren April 09, 2021

The long-term agreement will provide enhanced resources to support the global real estate firm’s award-winning data management, visualization and analytics platform

NEW YORK (April 8, 2021) – Global real estate services firm Savills today announced that it expanded its global partnership with...