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CRETech March 28, 2018
Last year, Ben Fried pitched a fintech startup to Israeli investors -- and got nowhere. The venture firms wanted to see if he could sell the idea in the U.S. first. “I’ve heard it from many investors,” says the former Israeli Air Force captain. “They push you out the door as soon as possible.”
CRETech March 28, 2018
For all our talk that spreadsheets are dead, a new report from MRI software shows that commercial and multifamily real estate firms are still using antiquated technology to handle some of their most important work. It...
CRETech March 27, 2018
Investment bolsters JLL’s position as a catalyst for change in the real estate industry SAN FRANCISCO – March 27, 2018 JLL Spark, a division of JLL (NYSE: JLL), today announced its acquisition of Stessa, a software-as-a-service (SaaS)-based...
CRETech March 27, 2018
Panelists at May 21-22 World Real Estate Forum to Focus on Technology, Innovation, Growth Markets, Cross-Border Capital, Development Opportunities CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (March 27, 2018) – The MIT Center for Real Estate announced today that it will host the ...
CRETECH March 27, 2018
If Google's $2.4 billion buy of 75 Ninth Avenue last week from Jamestown Properties is any indication, the tech giant has started to piece together something of a second headquarters in Manhattan. Between its monster $1.77 billion deal for 111 Eighth Avenue in 2010 and its lease deals at 85 10th Avenue and RXR Realty and Youngwoo Associate's upcoming Pier 57 project, Google has assembled a fiefdom...
CRETech March 27, 2018
CRETech March 27, 2018
Software robots are having a big impact on the way employees work. These bots, which do not have a physical form as they reside on servers or in the cloud, will increase productivity by allowing human workers to focus on more complicated and engaging tasks while the bots take care of repetitive or rule-based tasks, the Wall Street Journal reports. Pixabay/StartupStockPhotos Companies like Ern...
CRETECH March 27, 2018
You have heard what we have to say about the benefits of RealNex, but what do some of our clients have to say? Real life CRE brokers love RealNex and everything that this comprehensive platform has to offer. Reason #1: It saves money when compared to other subscription fees. “The depth of RealNex's solution has saved us thousands of dollars in subscription fees. It's one log-in, one data center,...
CRETECH March 27, 2018
Commercial real estate professionals need to shake off the idea of "office" and start considering the modern workplace. Commercial real estate professionals need to shake off the idea of "office" and start considering the modern workplace. Commercial real estate professionals need to shake off the idea of "office" and start considering the modern workplace. Commercial real estate professionals nee...
CRETECH March 27, 2018
Leadership in the real estate brokerage world has a dysfunctional relationship with technology. The psychological disconnect reaches much further than any one company, though Gary Keller's recent Vision Speech encapsulated it perfectly. Picture the chairman standing on his grand stage. He’s a rock star of the real estate world, the daring leader of a fast-growing empire. He’s just announced th...