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CRETech April 10, 2018

SAN FRANCISCO — Uber started a pilot program in San Francisco to allow its customers to reserve “pedal-assist” electric bicycles with...

CRETech April 10, 2018
RealNex is stepping things up in the CRM world with the launch of RealNex 3.0. This new release includes new features and integrations between MarketEdge, MarketPlace and CORE CRM. RealNex 3.0 is a single solution that can be used during the entire commercial real estate deal process from inception to the finalized deal. RealNex 3.0 eliminates repetitive data, provides detailed financial analysis ...
CRETECH April 09, 2018
Knotel closed a $70 million in a Series B funding round on Tuesday, with plans to expand rapidly and muster a serious challenge to industry leader WeWork. The flexible office space startup led by Amol Sarva has now raised $100 million between two seed rounds, and is valued at $500 million, according to research firm Pitchbook. Knotel, which in the past two years has leased more than 1.1 million sq...
CRETech April 09, 2018
Much has been written about disruption in the commercial real estate industry. Millions of dollars have been invested to eliminate our role in a transaction. So, the question I explore today is “will we be replaced by technology?” My simple opinion is: not in the immediate future. Please indulge me while I share my reasoning.

Reasons why not:

No two parcels of commerci...
CRETech April 09, 2018
Salesforce has always been a company that is looking ahead to the next big technology, whether that was mobile, social, internet of things or artificial intelligence. In an interview with Business Insider’s Julie Bort at the end of March, Salesforce co-founders Marc Benioff and Parker Harris talked ...
CRETech April 09, 2018
Futurology is an inherently dangerous profession; it is impossible to predict changes more than 10 or 15 years into the future with much accuracy. Take "Blade Runner" for example: the original 1982 film imagined perfect near-human robots and flying cars, but has Harrison Ford using pay phones in 2019. JLL has had a crack at outlining what the ideal cityscape of 2040 might look like in a new report...
CRETech April 09, 2018
If you’re looking to travel abroad — and especially if you’re looking to work while doing so — it might be tough to convince yourself you can find a cool boutique hotel that caters to a lot of different price points, as well as surround yourself with people that will help you feel like you should still get your work done. That’s the goal of Selina
CRETech April 09, 2018
Brookfield rolls out the Convene brand at the Wells Fargo Center, and has plans to roll out lounge facilities at two more of its downtown properties.
CRETECH April 08, 2018
As European cities try to attract an expected post-Brexit wave of companies moving out of London, Hamburg is looking better and better. With major tech companies like Google and Facebook already setting up shop in the German city, Hamburg's mix of industry as a port city and financial center gives it a broad appeal, according to the Financial Times. Among other companies based in the city are...
CRETech April 08, 2018
The Commercial Real Estate industry is currently undergoing rapid technological growth. Although the availability of apps, drones, and software solutions lends itself very well to the CRE industry, it can also lead to confusion. If you’re struggling to keep up with the latest tech jargon and how they relate to CRE, you’re definitely not alone. But, better understanding the most common CRE t...