September 10, 2017
Within hours of Seattle-based Amazon’s announcement that it was looking to build a second headquarters, cities around the country were tripping over themselves to prove they’ve got what it takes. New York has been less vocal than others, but anyone thinking the city doesn’t need or have the room for a massive new corporate headquarters would be mistaken. On the contrary: Fresh from a spate o...
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Within hours of Seattle-based Amazon’s announcement that it was looking to build a second headquarters, cities around the country were tripping over themselves to prove they’ve got what it takes. New York has been less vocal than others, but anyone thinking the city doesn’t need or have the room for a massive new corporate headquarters would be mistaken. On the contrary: Fresh from a spate o...
Dear Amazon, We Picked Your New Headquarters for You Emily Badger, Quoctrung Bui and Claire Cain Miller Published 6 Hours Ago The New York Times SHARES Getty Images Jeff Bezos Amazon has set off a scrum among cities that are hoping to land the company's second headquarters — with the winner getting the prize of a $5 billion investment and 50,000 new jobs over the next two decades. We'r...
Q&A with Julia Georgules, Director of Research, Local Markets at JLL I have been writing about, studying and promoting the concept of real estate brands becoming media for several years. It’s why I built my first site, The News Funnel, to aggregate and distribute all of this content. To date, I think we have amassed over 1000 blogs on our site, all on different aspects of real estate. I was ...
OLYMPIA — State officials Friday were still working to understand Amazon’s needs and intentions and gauging if the company would be interested in another headquarters elsewhere in Washington. After Amazon’s announcement Thursday morning that it intended to open a second headquarters somewhere in North America, company officials called David Postman, Gov. Jay Inslee’s chief of staff. While ...
The video is packed with quite a few obnoxious buzzwords (and some NSFW language) but I do appreciate the concept of this 352-square-foot home. It's produced on an assembly line and can be "installed" in a wide variety of locations and configurations, plus it's loaded with smart home tech and modular designs... The post Cool: $140k “Micro-Home” packed with smart home featur...
Kristen Mosbrucker SVBJ staff Silicon Valley Business Journal Enlarge Related Content Silicon Valley officials get ready to woo Amazon for second HQ What we know about how Amazon negotiates: move fast, play hardball Amazon solicits proposals for $5 billion second HQ in North America Home of the Day Sponsor Listing Breathtaking Estate with Endless Opportunity! See All Homes of the Day Join us on Se...
We never thought it could happen to us. When Boeing announced in 2009 the opening of a new plant in South Carolina instead of Seattle, manufacturing was heading out of Seattle, but technology companies were flooding in: Google opened its first engineering office in 2004, followed by Facebook in 2010, Apple and Dropbox in 2014, Uber in 2015, and Airbnb in 2016. In the past twelve months alone, Fac...
Minnesota is preparing a bid to convince the Seattle-based technology giant to open a new major office in the Twin Cities. Here's what commercial real estate and labor costs across competitor markets were in 2017 for a 50,000-worker office.

Thursday, Amazon said that they’d be setting up a second headquarters—and it won’t be in Seattle. The announcement seems like it’s amplified a lot of complicated existing feelings about the online giant and the effect the company’s growth has had on the city’s fabric. That doesn’t mean they’re packing up and leaving anytime soon—“It will be a full equal to our current campus in...