Office Archives | Page 74 of 105 | CREtech

Lauren September 16, 2020
After years of limited traction despite promising ROI, indoor environmental quality is enjoying its moment in the spotlight. However, even with the heightened a...
Lauren September 16, 2020
A joint venture backed by Ivanhoé Cambridge has put together a €650M ($773M, £598M) funding package for a 1.4M SF office development that is being developed with no tenants lined up. And here’s the kicker — it is built entirely from wood.
Lauren September 16, 2020
As states and cities begin to lift lockdown restrictions on stay-at-home orders and social distancing measures, it’s vital for companies to implement new strategies and safety precautions before returning to work.
Lauren September 16, 2020
Facebook Inc. is buying Recreational Equipment Inc.’s custom-made new headquarters near Seattle, the latest sign that big technology companies are driving commercial real estate markets during the coronavirus pandemic.
Lauren September 16, 2020

On any given day, Darren Murph can wear many hats at work. He might play relocation expert, helping co-workers leaving a big city like San Francisco think through which cheaper locales have good access to broadband. He can be an executive coach, assisting senior leaders in structuring new projects in remote-friendly ways. He may serve...

Lauren September 16, 2020
Cushman & Wakefield PLC, one of the world’s largest commercial-real-estate-services firms, has launched an alliance with Industrious, a startup co-working firm, to build market share in one of the few growing office-space businesses during the pandemic. The office industry has mostly gotten pounded this year, creating pain for investors...
Lauren September 14, 2020
When historians of the early 21st century look back on the pre-Covid era, one of the absurdities they might highlight is the vogue for gigantic, open-plan offices. The apotheosis of this trend of breaking down barriers between co-workers must surely be Facebook Inc.’s 433,555-square-foot Frank Gehry...
Lauren September 14, 2020
The flex-office startup, valued at $1.6 billion in August 2019 but thought to be worth substantially less now, is offering nearly 375,000 square feet of space up for sublease, according to marketing materials reviewed by The Real Deal.
Lauren September 11, 2020
If there’s been a particular corner of the design world that’s actually managed to have a decent year, it’s online home decor retailers. Between the sudden, significant spike in demand for home office pieces plus an abundance of time to dream up and complete home improvement projects, consumers seem more inclined than ever to buy furniture and other products online.
Lauren September 11, 2020
One of Wall Street’s biggest employers is calling its trading staff back to the office. JPMorgan Chase JPM +0.77%