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CRETech June 19, 2018

At 99mph, we think about the second-order effects of self-driving cars (aka autonomous vehicles or AVs). Last time

CRETech June 19, 2018
So let’s set the stage. I’m sitting where? In a WeWork, in a marble-lined conference room, on the deck of a condo looking at the beach or just sitting in a chair watching some golf. I could be looking at my phone but my preferred device is still a laptop. I hit a couple of keys and click on a preset login. What comes up. My personal trading/analytics/portfolio management dashboard. An...
CRETech June 19, 2018
The big data scrum in the commercial real-estate industry is about to heat up with the launch of a new service by a startup whose investors include Blackstone Group LP.
CRETech June 19, 2018
Common Areas launches Common Plans, a new software to provide GPS-enabled site and building plans. Common Areas has launched Common Plans, a new software that promises to bring efficiency and ease to site and building planning. The GPS-enabled software is a cloud-based asset mapping program that pairs with Common Areas to create, store and share work orders for...
CRETech June 19, 2018
If I show you a single picture of a room, you can tell me right away that there’s a table with a chair in front of it, they’re probably about the same size, about this far from each other, with the walls this far away — enough to draw a rough map of the room. Computer vision systems don’t have this in...
CRETech June 19, 2018
As WeWork Cos. grows globally, the startup is also packing more people into its rental office spaces. The move helped drive revenue up 110 percent to $342 million last quarter, according to a staff email Thursday about the co-working company’s financial performance.
The occupancy rate for WeWork...
CRETech June 19, 2018
Despite different tech solutions to increase productivity on the job site, construction remains slow to adopt technologies and many field workers face significant pushback over the cost of implementation. Construction professionals are grappling with how to pay for new technology while also explaining to chief information officers and those who approve the budgets how these products are improving ...
CRETech June 19, 2018
The online listings platform for office, retail and industrial properties has raised $9M in venture funding. Raised in the Chicago suburb of Glencoe, Bobby Goodman, 39, jumped into the world of real estate startups after working as a commercial broker for a little shy of two decades. He co-founded Truss alongside three technologists, one of whom was a long-time client, in 2016 to serve small...
CRETech June 19, 2018 caught up with Bob Courteau, CEO at Altus Group, to talk a bit more about his recent RealComm panel, where he said that he is now seeing a different analytics model that is beginning to focus on a “give get” approach. Bob Courteau, CEO at Altus Group, recently spoke at RealComm and caught up with to talk a bit more about his panel discussion: “The Age of Accelerati...
CRETech June 19, 2018
Looking to bridge the divide between brokers and coworking companies, global coworking network Mindspace has launched what it is billing as a “one-of-a-kind platform” that lets brokers placing tenants in a Mindspace outpost easily register and track referrals, earn commission and streamline all of their data in one place, Commercial Observer has learned.