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CRETech October 31, 2018
Nobody, not even transportation experts like me, had an inkling that ride-on-demand services like Uber would change our travel habits so quickly and dramatically. Never in our lifetime have we witnessed such a rapid shift in transportation. Despite global protests,
CRETech October 30, 2018
Do you ever get that feeling when you walk into a beautiful home, and wish you had the magic touch that inspired the design? The kitchen tile is perfect. The flooring matches the wall decorations, and the colors of the furniture just flows naturally with the home’s aura. Stylyze wants to help those of us who are a bit challenged when it co...
CRETech October 30, 2018
It was the eyes that got me. A few seconds after I clicked the button on the back of my Vector, a new $249 gerbil-sized robot toy from Anki, its eyes blinked open. They were just green pixels on the Vector’s small screen, arranged in a squarish shape above the real eye, a wide-angle camera.
CRETech October 30, 2018
The cost of housing is out of reach for many residents in cities such as Los Angeles and Seattle. One solution is called co-living, and it looks a lot like dorm life. Co-living projects are trying to fill a vacuum between low-income and luxury housing in expensive housing markets where people in the middle are left with few choices.
CRETech October 30, 2018
Amazon’s one-million-square-foot distribution center in Baltimore is a massive fulfillment machine. Stand at one end of the warehouse, and its titanium-white scaffolding and seemingly endless conveyor belts disappear at a vanishing point that is, somehow, within the building. The machine is a dazzling combination of chutes, ladders, rollers and 11 miles’ worth of conveyor belts.
CRETech October 30, 2018
More and more, savvy customers are willing to share info about themselves and their browsing behavior — but in return, you have to serve up completely personalized content. To learn how companies like Trulia and Pandora flawlessly provide the customized results that click, don’t miss this VB Live event!
CRETech October 30, 2018

To keep up with the rising demand for short-term rentals in U.S. cities and compete with the home-sharing giant Airbnb, travel booking site Expedia has picked up a pair of venture-backed hospitality startups, Pillow and ApartmentJet.

Employees of both ...
CRETech October 30, 2018

Upgrades Mobile App to Capture and Automatically Organize Property Expenses into Real Estate Tax Categories for Free

SAN FRANCISCO – October 30, 2018 – Real estate investors with single-family rentals and multifamily properties can now use Stessa to organize their financials in one easy-to-use,...
CRETech October 30, 2018

Sixth Annual NYC CREtech Event expected to host over 700 industry professionals

New York, NY (October 30, 2018)CREtech (, the leading event, content and connectivity platform for the commercial real estate industry will be returning to New York on December 6th, 2018 at
CRETech October 29, 2018
NAIOP NYC will be partnering with CRETech to host a program with leading landlords investing in tech in NYC. CREtech is the world’s most comprehensive platform of commercial real estate tech information with tools to help users connect, innovate and discover. Their mission at CREtech is to connect the commercial real estate and tech sectors, bringing a new age of innovation and growth to the ind...