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CRETech November 29, 2018
As more companies of all shapes and sizes choose turn to flexible space – whether its hot-desking areas in buildings they already occupy or taking space in independently owned coworking set-ups – it’s fast becoming part of modern working life and a small but increasingly significant part of Europe’s office markets.
CRETech November 29, 2018
The relentlessly hyped arrival of autonomous vehicles looms as the greatest disruption in personal transportation since Henry Ford’s moving assembly line started producing Model T’s by the millions. One word in that statement — arrival — is, however, doing a disproportionate amount of work.
CRETech November 29, 2018
Earlier this month, Nested, an online real estate agency which provides cash advances to help buyers purchase new homes before selling their old ones, hauled in £120 million in funding from investors including North...
CRETech November 29, 2018
Members-only and often star-studded coworking provider NeueHouse has raised $30M from private investors to kick-start its expansion at a time when the coworking sector is growing increasingly competitive. Investors included InterActiveCorp. and Expedia Chairman and Senior Executive Barry Diller, who also made an $8M bet on the company last year.
CRETech November 29, 2018

SharpLaunch, the all-in-one commercial real estate marketing software for the CRE industry, announces a new property syndication partnership with Brevitas, an exclusive international marketplace for leasing and investment sales opportunities.

The partnership provides SharpLaunch customers additional opportunities to expand visibility of thei...

CRETech November 28, 2018
LONDON — Property is coming round to Charles Armstrong’s way of thinking. A very well-known property developer is waiting to meet him after our interview to talk about the possibility of working with the Trampery, his shared workspace social enterprise. Armstrong is increasingly a man in demand. The Trampery was set up in 2009, a tiny coworking facility in Shoreditch, London, when the wor...
CRETech November 28, 2018
Fifth Wall Ventures co-founder Brendan Wallace is an advocate for new technologies and not just in his professional life as the managing partner of a venture capital firm focused on real estate technology. Wallace, 37, typically zips the four blocks from his house to Fifth Wall’s Venice headquarters on a Lime scooter, one of the ride-share vehicles that have become almost ubiquitous in Los An...
CRETech November 28, 2018
In late 2016, the VC and PE industry was shocked by SoftBank’s announcement of its $100 Bn Vision Fund. The idea behind the fund was to invest in late-stage technology companies. Riding on its impressive 44% Internal Rate of Return over its 18 years of existence, SoftBank was able to close $93 Bn in commitments within just seven months.
CRETech November 28, 2018

NEW YORK CITY—A recent report from Cushman & Wakefield revealed that Manhattan office leasing activity soared to the highest level in four years in the third quarter of this year, with 9.6 million square feet of space transacted. Reflective of the buoyancy of the local employment market which increased by 53,000 jobs last year, the stats indicate that 2018 is a...

CRETech November 28, 2018
Goldman Sachs forecast a $100 billion market opportunity emerging for drones from 2016 through 2020. We are more than halfway through that window, and real estate is one of the industries feeling the greatest reverberations from drones' arrival. Drones are able to collect data in unprecedented ways, complete tasks like physical inspections too risky for humans and are impacting the marketing of re...