Flatfair, a London-based fintech that lets landlords offer “deposit-free” renting to tenants, has raised $11 million in funding.
The Series A round is led byNews Archives | Page 725 of 1019 | CREtech
Monitoring social media feeds is a common practice for major brands and companies trying to keep up with consumer sentiment and tastes. City governments are now tapping into those data streams to keep tabs on residents' chatter and complaints about what's happening around town.
Why it matters: Twitt...
Every once in a while, Amazon.com Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN) lets the world know what it might be planning — not in a public announcement but in a patent filing. The company has filed thousands of applications since its founding, and while many don't go anywhere, some go on to disrupt long-existing industries. This week, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issued abou...
But when his college years rolled in, Romito, who would go on to co-found and become the CEO of VTS (formerly known as View the Space), received a sponsorship offer that left him with a difficult deci...