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CRETech September 05, 2019
New York-based flexible office operator Knotel has announced a partnership with London-based online office platform Hubble.  The partnership will offer clients tailored on-demand managed offices on Hubble in London and Manchester for the first time. “The Knotel service is proving attractive to our customers as it ...
CRETech September 05, 2019

In less than 2 years, fast-growing proptech company establishes market leadership with growth to 18 major metropolitan areas across the U.S., opens London, Paris, and New York City offices, and launches industry data initiative

Boston, MA – Thursday, September 5, 2019 – HqO, a tenant ...
CRETech September 05, 2019

Any Building -- Including Schools, Campuses, Offices, Hospitals and Places of Worship -- Can Create Multiple Customized Plans to Lock or Unlock Doors, Turnstiles, Elevators and Parking Gates, Activated from a Mobile Phone

LOS ANGELES - September 4, 2019 - Openpath, a leader in modern mobile access control, ...
CRETech September 05, 2019
After recently announcing a partnership with 3D computer vision company GeoCV, has now expanded their relationship to offer virtual staging for GeoCV’s new commercial product. The initial partnership between GeoCV and, announced on 9th July, was inspired by the growing demand from clients and brokers to envisage furnished spaces within the home. Tailored for t...
CRETech September 05, 2019
Not only is the We Company’s newest board member the person who helped Uber through its leadership crisis in 2017 — she’s also the company’s antidote to criticism over its all-male board. The WeWork parent company announced Wednesday that it will add Frances Frei to its board of directors ahead of public offering. Backlash arose 
CRETech September 05, 2019
As cities across the country embrace new mobility services like bike and scooter-share, sidewalks are getting awfully crowded. The growing number of bikes and scooters parked on sidewalks can make it difficult for people with disabilities and pedestrians to get around. The phenomenon is forcing cities like Seattle to find new solutions that balance their values of inclusivity and urban mobility...
CRETech September 05, 2019
RealtyAds is a digital marketing platform that is using AI to help the commercial real estate industry more successfully market their buildings, brokers, and brands to key, target audiences. Check out our recent interview with industry veterans and founders of RealtyAdsTrevor Marticke & Ke...
CRETech September 04, 2019
The way we work today is undergoing radical change, to the extent that the era we live in has been called the fourth industrial revolution. Inevitably and rapidly, the office real estate sector is changing as a result. Just renting out an office on a long lease and leaving the tenant to get on with things, then taking the space back 10 years later, is dying as a viable business model. Like reta...
CRETech September 04, 2019
Earlier this year, Brazilian bank Banco BTG Pactual made news in the digital coin community when it revealed it would back its blockchain-based token, called ReitBZ, with distressed Brazilian real estate assets. Perhaps even more significantly, it also said it would set up a secondary market for the tokens—that is, give investors an exit strategy. The intended investor base for this developme...
CRETech September 04, 2019
WeWork is planning to kick off its initial public offering roadshow as soon as next week, according to people familiar with the matter. The office rental company’s meetings with potential IPO-investors are expected to involve stops in cities such as New York and San Francisco, said the people, who asked to not be identified because the matter isn’t public. Dates for the roadshow could still...