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CRETech December 11, 2019
Over the past decade, several global trends have combined to drive noticeable shifts in how people live. These include the increasing urbanisation of global populations; the introduction of artificial intelligence, robotics and IoT devices; environmental factors; population growth in Africa, Asia and Latin America; and the rising purchasing power of the middle classes within developing countries....
CRETech December 11, 2019
Keeping abreast of shopping trends online is straightforward enough — whole categories of startups achieve this with predictive modeling. But what about when that shopping takes place in-store? Tracking the behaviors of mall, outlet, and department store shoppers is of critical importance to physical store brands, particularly considering that the percentage of brick-and-mortar sales increased b...
CRETech December 11, 2019
The European proptech venture capital firm’s pilot ‘PropTech Connect’ panel brought together some of the key players across the real estate ecosystem to discuss ‘scaling’. Access to information, open communication and barriers to innovation within the traditional real estate industry emerged as core themes. At a company level, Tushar Agarwal, co-founder of London’s largest marketplac...
CRETech December 11, 2019
SoftBank Group Corp. tapped Goldman Sachs Group Inc. for new financing to help revive one of its biggest bets -- an investment in office-sharing company WeWork. Goldman is arranging a $1.75 billion line of credit, t...
CRETech December 11, 2019

The next big thing in robotics and automation just might be construction. Technology has already revolutionized manufacturing and logistics, and now a number of well-funded startups are looking to do the same to the construction industry. This March at TC Sessions: Robotics+AI, we’ll be bringing together a trio of companies that have the industry and investors buzz...

CRETech December 11, 2019
Software robots designed to handle routine work around the office are undertaking more ambitious jobs. By combining robotic process automation with machine-learning capabilities, software makers are developing robots that can tackle higher-level workplace functions, including many that require a degree of judgment. Some of these new roles include verifying a signature on a check, assessing insura...
CRETech December 10, 2019
A flexible office space firm is entering the London co-working market, at a time when others are shuttering operations there. Serendipity Labs, a company that provides on-demand office space in primary and secondary markets, said Friday that it has entered an agreement to license 25 locations in the U.K., including 12 in London. The New York-based firm, which uses franchise and management partne...
CRETech December 10, 2019
Property investment for the average person usually involves making investments in projects that have already been completed. However, there’s now an opportunity to invest in property projects before they’re actually completed. This has been made possible by leveraging blockchain technology. It can take several years or longer to develop property projects from the ground up, and it can also be...
CRETech December 10, 2019

As Airbnb absorbs more and more of the demand for housing, it’s exploring how to monetize opportunities beyond vacation rentals. A marketplace for longer-term corporate housing could be a huge business, but rather than build that itself, Airbnb is making a strategic investment in one of the market leaders called Zeus Living, which will list its homes on the Airbnb site....

CRETech December 10, 2019
“In the 20 months since we first introduced Zillow Offers, we’ve seen that there is a strong appetite for another option when it comes to selling a home,” Jeremy Wacksman, Zillow’s brand president, said in a prepared statement. “We’re thrilled to launch Zillow Offers today in one of the largest markets in the country, and look forward to easing the friction and helping sellers move to ...