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CRETech January 07, 2020
For VCs, 2019 was a year filled with more high-profile public offerings than ever before. But as 2020 begins, it's the unicorn IPO that didn't happen—the one that instead turned into a truly spectacular failure—that's still on the tip of everyone's tongue. The collapse of WeWork shook up Silicon Valley, and it will likely mean elevated levels of scrutiny for any unicorn that's planning to go ...
CRETech January 07, 2020
WeWork’s crash last year was a sign of what is to come for technology companies. Venture capital funds—whether due to WeWork, the handful or failed tech IPOs in 2019 or simply changing market trends—will now want evidence of profitability, not just growth and market share. This is a turnaround for tech companies, which have focused on rapid growth and expansion first. “Venture capital w...
CRETech January 07, 2020
Realized, a tech platform that provides investment property wealth management, recently introduced its Qualified Opportunity Zone marketplace. The marketplace is a new platform that allows investors to compare Qualified Opportunity Zone/QOZ investments and provide greater access to a broader selection of QOZ investment funds. The launch represents the firm’s latest move to integrate modern port...
CRETech January 07, 2020
Privacy at home is something most people take for granted. But the home has become the latest frontier in data harvesting for big tech companies. Smart speakers, app-activated thermostats and internet-connected everything else are scooping up information that could prove valuable to product designers, advertisers, governments and law enforcement. A range of interest groups, from civil liberties or...
CRETech January 07, 2020
The world is becoming ever more connected with each passing day, and while smart devices within smart homes are now an accepted and ingrained part of society, the idea of smart cities remains a somewhat maverick concept full of potential perils which require extensive contingency plans – but they are inevitable. In fact, spending on smart cities currently stands around £81 billion. However, in...
CRETech January 07, 2020

When Facebook was searching for another New York office, one big enough to fit as many as 6,000 workers, more than double the number it currently employs in the city, it had one major demand: It needed the space urgently.

So after the company settled on Hudson Yards, the vast mini-city taking shape on Manhattan’s Far West Side, e...

CRETech January 07, 2020
Join over 2,500 institutional investors, real estate private equity, fund managers, property developers, construction firms, facilities & property managers, surveyors, brokers and VC’s to focus on how technology and innovation is transforming the real estate market. Doubling in size every year since our launch, FUTURE PropTech has been part of the movement that has helped innovation...
CRETech January 07, 2020
Another startup backed by SoftBank Group Vision Fund could be headed for disaster. India-based discount hotel brand Oyo has expanded at a breathtaking pace since its founding six years ago by then-19-year-old Ritesh Agarwal. Some of that expansion may have been achieved through a "toxic" office environment of intense pressure and corporate tendencies to stiff its partners and ignore local laws in ...
CRETech January 07, 2020
We are excited to announce our virtual demo day webinar schedule for 2020. Tune in to our live virtual demo day webinars to experience demos from the most innovative tech companies in commercial real estate. Virtual demo day is the best way to discover startups that you need to know about without leaving your desk. Plus, they are free!
CRETech January 07, 2020
Picture a tray. On the tray is an assortment of shapes: Some cubes, others spheres. The shapes are made from a variety of different materials and represent an assortment of sizes. In total there are, perhaps, eight objects. My question: “Looking at the objects, are there an equal number of large things and metal spheres?” It’s not a trick question. The fact that it sounds as if it is is pro...