May 01, 2020
There’s no denying all of our lives have changed drastically in recent weeks. How we work and communicate has shifted — and that means you have to adapt if you want to succeed. And in many cases, technology will play a major role.
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There’s no denying all of our lives have changed drastically in recent weeks. How we work and communicate has shifted — and that means you have to adapt if you want to succeed. And in many cases, technology will play a major role.
Built world and real estate industry experts come together to share actionable advice on what the new normal might look like and how we can prepare for a post-Covid compliant world.
Before you re-open your buildings and welcome your employees back to work, you need to be confident that you’ve thought through any space, occupancy or design adjustments. A critical step in developing your re-entry strategy is mapping potential risk points based on typical movements within the workplace and establishing dedensification thresholds. Each decision should effectively balance health...
life slowly returns to its streets, the retail industry in the U.S. may look to the country for guidance on what the post-pandemic world looks like and how to adapt to the new reality.
As businesses begin to reopen in China and
Right now CRE individuals and teams are needing alternative solutions to patch the chasms that have been created from the rather abrupt work-from-home call to action. Some solutions may be turned into a long-term fit, others will be temporary.
We are pleased to announce that on April 1, 2020, RefineRE, Inc. acquired BenchCore LLC and will add its corporate real estate industry-leading benchmarking data and services to RefineRE’s robust platform for corporate real estate occupiers. BenchCore will remain its own company within the RefineRE platform and founders Ron Zappile Sr., Peter Holland, and Raymond Nomizu will remain active with t...
In the breakroom at an Inc. warehouse in Hazle Township, Pennsylvania, a PowerPoint presentation playing on repeat shows people in hazmat suits making their way through the giant facility, spraying disinfectant. The video is followed by an explanation in English and Spanish. Nearby, televisions broadcast messages of thanks from employees and customers.
In this episode we sit down with Nick Romito and Ryan Masiello co-founders of VTS, commercial real estate’s leading leasing and asset management platform that brings landlords, brokers, and tenants together to make deals happen.
WeWork’s flexible office business is asking for rent cuts and battling to cut liabilities, and the company failed in its effort to go public in September 2019, leading to the ouster of mercurial co-founder Adam Neumann. But its property investment arm is still bringing in a lot of cash to make new investments.
CREtech (, the largest intelligence platform devoted to Reimagining Real Estate, announced today that they are now accepting applications for the 7th Annual Real Estate Tech Awards (#RETAS). Sponsored by JLL Technologies and backed by the leading VCs, Angel Investo...