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marianne3 August 28, 2020
Technology could lead the way to an improved, safer and healthier work and hospitality environment in a post-COVID world.
marianne3 August 28, 2020
Banzai, a Seattle startup that sells event marketing software, today announced the acquisition of Austin-based High Attendance, a similar company that helps clients run events.
marianne3 August 28, 2020
JP Morgan, Nat West Group, Facebook, Google … The list of businesses making working from home a permanent part of their employment strategy grows longer every day.
marianne3 August 28, 2020
When Brynne McNulty Rojas moved to Bogotá, Colombia four years ago, she encountered a fragmented real estate industry that lacked a central database for consumers to find or compare homes. Rojas was struck by the magnitude of the problem; she was also inspired by the opportunity.
marianne3 August 28, 2020
The No. 2 U.S. auto maker asks 30,000 employees to clear out their desks to make way for workplace revamp.
Lauren August 27, 2020
The shift to online shopping has accelerated in the COVID-19 pandemic, but today Amazon  made a bold move that underscores its belief that physical stores will remain a key component of how consumers shop. In the Los Angeles neighborhood o...
Lauren August 27, 2020
Google today announced a new hospitality solution with Google Assistant on a Nest Hub tailored for hotel guests to make service requests, check out, play music, make calls, and more. It’s the company’s answer to 
Lauren August 26, 2020
The need for technological solutions—both big and small—in the construction industry is clear, especially given changing work conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Matt Abeles, ABC’s vice president of construction technology and innovation. “I look forward to the exceptional products, education and dialogue the Tech Alliance companies will bring to ABC members and our evolving i...
Lauren August 26, 2020
As the COVID-19 pandemic has sent shockwaves through market operations of most real estate asset classes, the industrial sector has remained largely unscathed – and  has even seen growth accelerated by the impacts of the pandemic. While hotel, retail and office property owners and managers are grappling with the financial challenges associated with the virus outbreak and its effects, , particip...
Lauren August 26, 2020
In the late 1800s, the German scientist Carl Flügge had a hunch: Maybe if you maintain enough physical distance between people who are sick and those who are well, you can prevent the spread of pathogens from person to person.