October 15, 2020
Urban Umbrella, a startup that makes elegant steel scaffolding, has secured $9 million in new funding to beautify construction sites, one sidewalk shed at a time.
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Urban Umbrella, a startup that makes elegant steel scaffolding, has secured $9 million in new funding to beautify construction sites, one sidewalk shed at a time.
A new ranking by The Wall Street Journal that focuses on companies’ ability to create long-term shareholder value puts Sony at the top.
Miami is moving one step closer to its goal of becoming a tech hub. Private equity giant Blackstone is coming to Miami, bringing as many as 215 tech-focused jobs.
Researchers at Harvard University’s Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering and John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences say a lattice reinforced with diagonals, inspired by the structures built by sponges, could mean lighter, but stronger skyscrapers and bridges.
Catch up on-demand with this video interview with Greg Lindsay, Director of Research at NewCities where he outlines how we can adapt and react to a post-COVID world while tackling climate change. Greg challenges us to think about how we build a sustainable future by examining proximity, urban design and the use of technology.
Kasa Living, a startup that offers short-term rentals inside hotels and multi-family properties, has raised $30 million in Series B funding to improve its software and streamline its operations, the company says.
The four companies known as Big Tech — Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google — now have more than 22,000 employees in the city, with thousands added just this year.
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