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after building the first permitted 3D printed
future of the office, hybrid work models and
Everyone in the world of business and real estate is talking about the
Investors are pouring money into phone apps that enable companies to monitor employees’ movements and ensure they are complying with social distancing and other Covid-19-related health protocols.
Join Michael Rudin, SVP of Rudin Management Company for Part 2 of Embracing a New Era of Tech in CRE where he discusses the biggest challenges he’s faced in implementing new technology, how Rudin Management Company is better positioned today as a result of adopting new tech, and what his future technology roadmap looks like.
A year ago, just before the start of pandemic lockdowns, some 10% or less of the U.S. labor force worked remotely full-time. Within a month, according to Gallup and other surveys, around half of American workers were at distant desktops. Today, most of them still are. And surveys of employers and employees alike suggest a fundamental shift. While forecasts differ, as much as a quarter of the 160-m...
MRI Software, a global leader in real estate software, announces that it has acquired New Zealand-based WhosOnLocation, which provides an integrated solution that empowers organizations to address workplace safety and security needs. An en...
Solon, Ohio – March 4, 2021 – At a time when e-commerce is exploding due in large part to the pandemic, a business that helps any online merchant ship goods to a consumer in one or two days is going to be in demand. Deliverr is a startup that fits that bill, and today the company announced a $170 million financing round.
Buildings with clean air, plenty of natural sunlight, and other tenets of good health have become increasingly important for companies bidding to pull people back into the office. But new research from MIT shows that healthy buildings provide landlords with a greater return on investment, too.