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Lauren March 19, 2021
Sadiq Khan and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg are announcing a joint investment worth almost £1.5m to help ensure recovery from the coronavirus pandemic is green and clean.
Lauren March 19, 2021
With about 300 special-purpose acquisition companies, or SPACs, looking for companies to take public, property technology company Latch chose TS Innovation Acquisition (NASDAQ:TSIA). In this Fool Live video clip, 
Lauren March 19, 2021
Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google and Alphabet, has announced that the company plans to invest more than $7 billion in offices and data centers across the US this year.  In the process, it will create at least 10,000 new full-time Google jobs in the US in communities that are new to Google, while also expanding in others across 19 states.
Lauren March 19, 2021
One of the ironies of the smartphone revolution has been how little the companies that built the 4G networks underpinning it benefited. While having to invest heavily in stronger signals, mobile operators have struggled to charge customers for downloading more data. Despite a recent bounce, stocks such as Verizon Communications in the U.S. and ...
Lauren March 19, 2021
Lauren March 19, 2021
As innovation has become paramount, digital technologies delivered by Proptech startups have been helping real estate companies to speed up processes and decrease complexity for themselves and their customers since the boom. Over the past year, with Covid-19 affecting operations and leading to offices closing, organisations in the space have needed to evolve further, and implement more fle...
Lauren March 19, 2021
In Part 3 of The Value of Innovation with Will O’Donnell, Will shares advice for early-stage tech companies and what excites him most about the future of the real estate tech sector.
Lauren March 18, 2021
A D.C.-based startup that turns underutilized restaurant and hotel space into flexible workspaces has raised its seed funding round. WorkChew announced Wednesday it raised $2.5M in a funding round to help it expand across the country.
Lauren March 18, 2021
This ridiculous prediction is premised on a brilliant analogy: The fax machine made it easier for people to share more written stuff, but it turned out people just didn't have anything interesting to share. Why wouldn't the Internet uncover a similar dearth of content?