October 20, 2021
Londoners are returning to the office again, and a new wave of green buildings is enabling landlords to charge their tenants a rent premium.
To lure back employees, companies are opting for state-of-the-art buildings featuring wellness and leisure facilities with low- or zero-carbon emissions, which younger workers in particular consider vital. Many major U.K. firms also have their own environm...
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Londoners are returning to the office again, and a new wave of green buildings is enabling landlords to charge their tenants a rent premium.
To lure back employees, companies are opting for state-of-the-art buildings featuring wellness and leisure facilities with low- or zero-carbon emissions, which younger workers in particular consider vital. Many major U.K. firms also have their own environm...
Real-estate company
One side effect of the Covid-19 pandemic was that it forced us, as a global community, to once and for all come to terms with the fact that we are inextricably interconnected on a massive scale. Local actions can have global adverse reactions, tail risks are not as remote as we think, and the world we live in is much more fragile than we thought. The climate crisis that had temporarily taken secon...
District is within Lakeview Village in the city of Mississauga, a 177-acre mixed-use waterfront community, and aims to become the largest hub for technology, innovation and research in Canada.
Tony Josipovic of JLL discusses the company’s ‘Future of Work’ model and how it relates to the workforce.
Downtown Atlanta space vacated by another.
Industrious has taken over the operations of ...
One coworking giant is taking over some of the
The battle for climate change will be won or lost depending on how well we innovate within our cities and urban environments. Today, cities consume 2/3 of the world’s energy and produce more than 70% of GHG emissions. Urbanization continues to grow and by 2050 it is expected that 70% of us will live in cities.
Hines, the international real estate firm, has appointed Daniel Chang as Head of Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) for Europe.
Daniel’s appointment sees the firm strengthen its longstanding commitment to ESG, further supporting its holistic ESG approach globally, and will ensure new initiatives focused on addressing carbon emissions and social equity across the built environment ar...
The faster and easier property managers (PMs), facility managers (FMs), engineers, and maintenance pros can find and order the products they need—especially at preferred prices from top name brands—the better their buildings perform operationally and financially.
JLL Marketplace is an ecommerce platform that offers more than three million items curated for property management (PM) and facil...