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brandonlin November 03, 2021
Businesses trying to wean employees off remote work and lure them back to the office are spending more than ever on upscale workspaces, reaching deep into their pockets to pay high rents for modern, amenity-rich buildings. These
brandonlin November 03, 2021
The latest in workplace amenity is about to take off, thanks to a deal between Heathrow co-owner Ferrovial, electric
brandonlin November 03, 2021
What to expect, I wasn’t sure. This was the first time post-pandemic that most of us attending would be meeting in the flesh! Much to my delight, the event proved engaging and insightful - here’s a little summary...
brandonlin November 03, 2021
At a time when macroeconomic and political forces are aggravating the challenges of affordable housing in the US, it is a critical time to learn about a new set of technologies, including modular construction, digitally enabled home-sharing and new financial tools for renters, that are helping reduce housing costs and expand housing access. As Affordable Housing Technology is one of the fastest gr...
brandonlin November 03, 2021
Tony Josipovic of JLL discusses the company’s ‘Future of Work’ model and how it relates to evolving your portfolio strategy.
brandonlin November 03, 2021
Companies without plans in place to make their assets net zero carbon could struggle to secure debt against them within as little as two years.
brandonlin November 03, 2021
CREtech, the largest international community of professionals devoted to technological innovation in the real estate sector, returned to New York on October 13th and 14th for the most influential commercial real estate tech conference of 2021. The tw...
Lauren November 02, 2021
Through a mix of storytelling and practical advice, attendees will: Gain insight into one of real estate's hottest trends, Learn how to leverage data for better investment decisions, Find out what elements to look for when evaluating a software solution to manage deal flow
Lauren November 02, 2021
brandonlin November 02, 2021
Commercial real estate property tours have joined the “entertainment age” as more and more companies are shooting breath-taking drone videos to create a “wow” factor when promoting their space. “We don’t live in the information age any more, we live in the entertainment age,” Brad Smith, Associate Director, Investment Sales, Walker & Dunlop, tells GlobeSt.