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After over a year of virtual conferences,
Pemo Hi Michelle, great to speak to you again. I know we did it live last time but things have changed drastically since I met you?
Flexible workspaces are the preferred way to adopt the hybrid work model in a post-pandemic world, compared to options like changing existing office layouts or the hub-and-spoke model, which will, among other factors, potentially double the market size of coworking spaces over the next five years at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15 per cent, revealed the latest CII-ANAROCK report 'Workpl...
Companies large and small, some with longtime roots in their neighborhoods, are on the hunt for new real estate that is less prone to weather and climate extremes.
These days Zoom requires no introduction. The video collaboration platform has become nothing short of ubiquitous over the last two years, as much of the world has come to rely on it for work, school, social life, doctor’s appointments, and everything in between. The company admittedly was
A company called Oonee is making inroads with its Ooneepod, a comely shed that houses upright bikes while their owners disport themselves, Jennifer A. Kingson writes.
Mini-warehouses dubbed “dark stores” are quietly taking over urban retail space. Left unregulated, the insatiable demand for faster delivery will only hasten the erosion of community life.
IWBI honors JLL with WELL Portfolio Achievement Award for positive impact on communities.
So your company is going WFH/Office hybrid. Great! Working from home more rules, even if management decisions or the specifics of your role mean it can’t happen every day.
More companies are making remote work permanent, forcing developers to convert old office buildings into warehouses, apartments and other uses.