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brandonlin December 21, 2021

Hundreds of Israeli real estate startups have raised $3.5 billion. Sensors embedded in concrete, walls that monitor temperature, windows showing ads, hands-free cranes? All in a day's work.

brandonlin December 21, 2021
New hires to strengthen Fifth Wall's expertise in the global real estate and technology industries, across both private and public markets, while advancing the firm's original content strategy
brandonlin December 21, 2021
Annie Rinker of Hines reveals what drove the company to launch a flex workspace offering, and how technology has helped them succeed within the flex space.
brandonlin December 21, 2021

Social media platform partnering with Virtual Dining Concepts

brandonlin December 21, 2021
Undeterred by inflation, supply chain issues, and the start of another winter of COVID-19, venture capitalists invested $32 billion in proptech companies in 2021, a 28 percent increase in funding over 2020 and a 3.23 percent increase compared to 2019, according to a report released Monday.
Lauren December 20, 2021
Last month, a record-breaking transaction — a $2.5M sale of 116 parcels of "land" in Decentraland, a leading metaverse platform that launched in 2017 — underscored the influx of real-world investors and brokers in the market.
Lauren December 20, 2021
Typically, problems come before solutions and the real estate sector certainly has a number of problems. It is one of the most carbon-intensive sectors, accounting for 38% of total global greenhouse gas e...
Lauren December 20, 2021
A group of pioneers worried about climate change and encroaching sea levels have created a buoyant neighborhood, where homes share electricity via a local smart grid and bob with the tied thanks to steel foundation poles that allow them to rise and fall, the Washington Post reports.
Lauren December 20, 2021

In 2002, my dad, Martin Doctoroff, died of ALS. At the time, we thought it was a tragic fluke, as is the case with the vast majority of ALS patients. But when his brother, Mike, was diagnosed in 2008, it was clear the disease wasn’t random. Ever since then, my fami...

Lauren December 20, 2021
Clear Secure Inc., an identification services company known for its expedited screening product for air travelers, is bringing its biometric sign-up scanners to locations beyond airports. The company has temporarily installed the biometrics machines this month inside a Showfields Inc. interactive mall ...