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Tulu has a giant rack of care for you. The company takes the sharing economy to its next logical stop along its journey toward “who even owns stuff anymore?”, giving 50,000 people across a handful of countries access to items that make apartment and dorm living just that little bit more convenient. After all,...
If sharing is caring,
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, QuadReal and Thor Equities have completed 800 Fulton Market, in one of Chicago’s fastest growing neighborhoods, the Fulton Market District.
I is cutting more jobs on Tuesday, the online mortgage lender’s third round of layoffs since December and its first cuts since offering voluntary buyouts to some employees nearly two weeks ago.
The global flexible space provider is partnering with Yardi, the leading provider of real estate software, to accelerate speed to market and deliver more enhanced capabilities to the already announced WeWork Workplace product.
Landlords and employers are spending more money to draw staffers from their home hidey-holes — as those same workers are questioning the need for a company office altogether.
A new PropTech platform allows letting agents free access to the information required to set up a tenancy and register renters for council tax, water, gas and electricity.
Some of the biggest names in the real estate world on both sides of the Atlantic are gearing up for a very particular challenge: taking old office buildings that are big emitters of carbon, making them more energy efficient, and turning a profit in doing so.
Today, Crunchbase News is launching The Crunchbase Emerging Unicorn Board, a curated list of startups on the path to achieving billion-dollar valuations, also known as unicorn status.