Michael Beckerman Archives | Page 38 of 54 | CREtech

CRETECH May 10, 2016

As I have written about extensively, I am a huge believer in the power of Content Marketing for real estate brands. It’s a no brainer for companies of all size...

CRETECH May 09, 2016
Crazy as it might sound, I only use social media in my professional life (@m_beckerman).

I am not one who has the desire to share photos of my family or take selfies or share my political views or share photos of food I am about to eat.

But obviously billions of people love sharing personal stuff and that’s cool. For me though,...

CRETECH May 04, 2016

Over my thirty year career in real estate marketing, media and PR, I have seen many trends come and go. What's hot usually doesn't last too long. Marketing fads are common in every business sector, so real estate is not unique in that regard.

One thing remained constant throughout my career (until recently)...marketing was expensive!

Print ads were hugely expensive. For example, a home bui...

CRETECH May 02, 2016
Gary Vaynerchuk’s Blog

Amazing blog…great insights…incredible passion…practical tips…

I love this blog. Gary does so many things right with his blog….

1) It’s usually short and has a very clear message

2) It’s got real business world tips and suggestions

3) It’s got examples

4) It’s fun to read

CRETECH April 29, 2016

Great read about the state of digital media these days: Media Websites Battle Faltering Ad Revenue and Traffic

My quick takeaway is that it’s all about platforms in the media space.

Why?  Because ...

CRETECH April 25, 2016

Almost 30-years ago, I discovered the power of public relations. So, I built my own PR firm and it grew into a top-50 agency with a really strong niche in real estate.

Our focus during this time was on getting our clients as much positive exposure in the media as possible via press releases and media relations. Harnessing the power of media was an incredibly effective way for companies to...

CRETECH April 22, 2016

Platforms, platforms, platforms. They are impacting how we consume content in so many aspects of our life. I am personally fascinated by the rise of platforms. So much so that I have spent the past few years building my own platform for the real estate industry.

Here ar...

CRETECH April 19, 2016

I am newcomer to Twitter -- my team at @TNF_RE and my friend @JNeuer19  have been all over it for years. I have been, however, a regular user of LinkedIn for a very long time. It’s pretty obvious which network I prefer....

CRETECH April 13, 2016

I had the pleasure of interviewing Gayle Kantro, director of corporate communications at JLL, about their content strategies. In my opinion, JLL is a real pioneer in real estate media and content marketing. On The News Funnel,

CRETECH April 11, 2016

Find your own voice! As someone who has been blogging for a while, and also someone who consumes a lot of content from bloggers, I am often asked what's the one piece of advice I would give a new blogger, or any blogger I guess. My response is always…Be true to your own voice! What do I mean by that? Your blog is an extension of you, and it should therefore be written in your authentic vo...